Have You Ever Seen An Angry Tree!? I Did NOT Know They Could Do This… OMG!

Have you hugged a tree today? Well, maybe you should. Because if you piss one off, it might show you what it’s actually capable of. Its revenge might take several years to be exacted but it’s kind of like that ripping-off-a-bandage analogy… would you rather the revenge be swift and sharp, or long and excruciating? [googlead]These trees mean business in the worst way possible…

treec12 treec11 treec10 treec9 treec8 treec7 treec6 treec5 treec4 treec3 treec14 treec13 treec2 treec1

Source: Bored Panda

Yeah, so don’t mess with the forces of nature or else you might just find your favourite bike swallowed up by a tree… or maybe you’ll find some pretty cool root patterns.

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