Rude Woman Ridicules The Bag Boy With Special Needs. But Pay Attention To The Lady In Red…

What is it about waiting in lineups (or queues, depending on what part the world you’re in) that puts people on edge? Perhaps it’s the feeling that time is being wasted or maybe it’s the feeling of not being in control? Whatever the case, it’s enough to make some people say and do some nasty things. So imagine this: you’re waiting in line at the supermarket for what feels like forever.

You look to see what the hold-up is, and then you realize that it’s the bag boy who is moving at an extremely slow pace. You have errands to run and places to be… you don’t have time for this! And then you come to the realization that the bag boy has special needs… he has Down syndrome.  So how do you react?

This was the premise for an episode of What Would You Do? If you’re not familiar with the show, it places hidden cameras to capture how individuals react when confronted with uncomfortable and difficult situations. In this episode, real customers were waiting in a slow-moving grocery lineup and planted impatient customers, played by actors, would try to encourage them to bully the special needs employee. “They shouldn’t hire these people,” one of the actors says to a customer. “They waste everyone’s time!”

Watch the video below and see how people react. I’ll just say that we are very fortunate to have some very compassionate people who will look out for strangers in need!

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