Baby Beaver Falls Over In Surprise Each Time He Sees His Own Tail!

What’s cool about the advancement of technology, among other things, is that we can record videos and watch them years and years later. And while doing so may prove to be rather cringe-worthy, it’s still an amazing way in which we can remember great, funny (or sad and tear-jerking, whichever you fancy) memories, forever.

Which is why we’re totally happy that this video of a baby beaver has gone completely viral for all the right reasons. Sure, the beaver doesn’t even know what a video recording is, but us humans are elated that we can watch and re-watch this video countless times because it is just that adorable.

As for the beaver, it was found abandoned on a golf course in Calgary and taken to the Alberta Institute of Wildlife Conservation where it received treatment and care for its broken tail. Whilst there, it had the opportunity to cool off in some water while exploring its body and its surroundings. It was then, that something too cute for words happened.

As the beaver admires itself, it looks down to see something that appears seriously interesting—a tail! But due to the fact that it has leaned forward so much, it falls to the side and topples over. What a good laugh, am I right?

So, why do we love this video? Well, it’s good, innocent fun for one. But also, it’s truly amazing to see this baby beaver coming out of its shell, and exploring itself and its new surroundings in awe. Good on you, little one.

Since, the little beaver has been said to “win the Internet” and we wholeheartedly agree. What do you think?

Click on the link below to see the beaver’s complete reaction on seeing its tail! If you’ve adored this video, be sure to share it with your family and friends.

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