11 Bizarre, Old-Fashioned Home Remedies That Actually Work

Even if you’re the healthiest person on the planet, chances are that you have the occasional health struggle. I’m not the fittest person on the planet, but I try to eat healthy foods and take care of myself. I take my dogs for long walks, and I go to a low-level yoga class once a week. I’m not very good at it, but it’s supposed to be good for me. Occasionally, I even go for a jog. But, I still have aches and pains, and occasional cold and earache, indigestion, and nausea. Fortunately, there are some home remedies that are super simple and will help with many everyday health issues, without expensive medications that may or may not work and have all kinds of side effects.

Your Grandmother had the right idea when she told you to use some of these strange home remedies. But, they’re simple, inexpensive, and they really work!


1. Golden Raisins For Arthritis


Soak golden raisins in gin until all of the gin is soaked up. Ten raisins a day will ease arthritis pains thanks to the vitamins in the grapes and the anti-inflammatory properties of the gin.


2. Celery For Bad Breath


Chewing on a little bit of celery or parsley is an excellent and simple cure for bad breath and helps clean your teeth.


3. Lemons for Earache

Lemon curd - Squeezed

A couple drops of lemon juice on a Q-Tip or cotton ball applied just inside the ear can help neutralize bacteria and restore pH.


4. Herbal Tea For Hair Loss


Nettle and horsetail herbal tea both contain silica, which can help to strengthen your existing hair and prevent further hair loss.


5. Yams For Menopause


Yams contain vitamin A and antioxidants, which help support hormones and lower cholesterol.


6. Red Vines For Rough Skin


Instead of all of those expensive creams, try mixing some mashed red vines with a little bit of petroleum jelly. The candy has estrogen-like properties to help smooth corns and callouses.


7. Olives For Nausea


Because they contain tannins, Olives help to reduce motion sickness and nausea. Tannins reduce saliva production which lessens the sick feelings.

8. Baking Soda For Urinary Tract Health


A tiny pinch of baking soda in a glass of water can soothe a urinary tract infection. Baking soda makes your urine more alkaline and decreases bacteria production.


9. Apricots For Indigestion


Apricots are chock full of fiber and potassium, which can help reduce discomfort after a large meal.


10. Duct Tape For Warts


Covering a wart with duct tape can suffocate it, often in only a matter of days.


11. Potatoes For Spider Bites


Potatoes contain anti-itching and anti-inflammatory properties to soothe a variety of skin issues.

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