12 Things You’ve Probably Been Cleaning The Wrong Way Your Entire Life!

Not everyone enjoys cleaning around the house but if you’re going to do it, you might as well get it done right. Thanks to the wonderful people of the internet, I’ve learned that I’m apparently fairly clueless when it comes to cleaning. But fortunately, these same people have also provided several surprising tips on how to clean properly. So get ready to smack your forehead repeatedly whilst exclaiming “why didn’t anyone tell me this before!?” in the name of cleanliness.

1. Cheese Grater

Using a sponge to wipe the cheese out of these badboys? WRONG! Unless you enjoy shredding up your sponge, try using a potato to clean your cheese-clogged grater. The oxalic acid in the potato will help get rid of the cheese residue.


2. Shower Head

Shower heads can become pretty grimy if you don’t clean them properly. So wrap it in a bag filled with white vinegar and leave it for about an hour. After that, wipe it down and it’ll super shiny!


3. Microwave

Fill a bowl with water and vinegar and microwave it on high for 2 minutes. And the next step? There is no next step. You’re done. Congratulations.


4. Toothbrush

You stick this thing in your mouth so you might want to think about keeping your toothbrush clean. Put your toothbrush upside-down in a cup filled with white vinegar. Leave it for a few hours and then rinse it out with water. But don’t forget, you still need to replace your toothbrush regularly!


5. Mattress

Vacuum your mattress, then sprinkle banking soda all over it and leave it there for a few hours. Now vacuum again!



6. Cutting Board

Soap doesn’t really work that well for wooden cutting boards. Rub some kosher salt with half a lemon along the board. After that, you can wash it with some water and soap.


7. Paintings

Gently rub the inside portion of a sliced bagel over the paintings to clean them of dust. I’m not too sure about this one, but some people swear by it.


8. Toaster

Use a wet sponge to rub some cream of tartar around your toaster and watch how shiny it becomes!


9. Blender

Rinse your blender then fill it with hot water and some dish soap. Turn it on for a bit, and then rinse it again!


10. Coffee Maker

Fill the water chamber with a mixture of half water and half white vinegar, then run a half-brew cycle with no coffee grounds.Let it sit for about an hour before completing the cycle. Now empty it and run a fresh water cycle or two until the scent of vinegar disappears.


11. Toys

Hard plastic toys? Put them in the dishwasher! Of course, make sure that they won’t fall through the baskets and that they can withstand high temperature (keep them away from the heating element!).


12. Oven

And here’s my favourite because I HATE cleaning the oven… 1. Make a paste using water and baking soda. 2. Spread the paste around the inside of the oven and let it sit overnight. 3. Use a wet rag to wipe off as much of the paste as you can. 4. Spray the inside of the oven with white vinegar and then wipe it down after several minutes. 5. Turn on your oven on low for 20 minutes to dry it off!


Source: hacksof.life

Congratulations! You’re now that much more efficient at cleaning. Or you’re just now painfully aware of how bad you are at cleaning. Please don’t forget to share these amazing tricks with your family and friends!

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