12 Handy Ways To Repurpose VapoRub

Colds, especially in the winter months, are inevitable. Regardless of how much you try to run from them, I think it’s safe to say that everyone catches a cold at least once in the winter (and hopefully it’s either after Christmas or before!). I don’t about anyone else, but my all-time favorite go-to cold remedy is none other than VapoRub—yes, that magical ointment that cures colds and congestion like it’s nothing.

Although I’ve been using VapoRub (or Vicks) to cure colds, flus, and chest congestions my whole life, I never really knew how versatile this household product is. For example, I didn’t know that the rub can also be used as a natural bug repellent in the summer days. Did you know that?

Aside from being an excellent bug repellent, mainly because it is made of menthol and camphor, VapoRub can also be used for some of the following reasons:

  • treating migraines
  • eliminating stretch marks
  • relieving joint pain/aches

But the list above isn’t all. In the video below, watch how VapoRub serves purposes other than just relieving congestion when you’re under the weather. It seems like like a lot of other household items, Vicks is also something to keep handy year around. Quite honestly, I didn’t think I’d need to be stocked up on the ointment in the summer months, but since I now know that it’s an active bug repellent, I don’t have to keep spraying myself with store-bought sprays!

Do you have any other uses for VapoRub? We’d love to hear about them in the comments.

In the meantime, check out the video below for a full list of how/when VapoRub can be repurposed. And if you found this at all useful, don’t forget to share it with your family and friends!

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