Poor Baby Horse Is Drowning Until A Wild Stallion Sees What’s Happening

If you’ve ever spent some time around horses, I probably don’t need to tell you that they’re incredibly intelligent and loving animals. So it’s really not surprising that humans and horses have had a long and important relationship that dates back thousands of years. Not only are horses able to learn by training, they have an impressive ability to figure things out for themselves. I’ve seen horses unlock and open stall doors, so you really have to be careful about underestimating their ingenuity!

But much like people, horses do sometimes make errors in judgment that lead to accidents. This is particularly true for the young ones who don’t know any better and whose curiosity have a tendency to get the better of them.

Along the Salt river in Arizona’s Tonto National Forest, a wild stallion named Champ was enjoying the day while grazing with his family. It wasn’t long before another group of horses arrived on the other side of the river. Champ and his family notice the other horses playing and become curious so a few of them begin to walk across the river. While the bigger horses are able to move through the water with ease, a young female filly becomes overpowered by the strong current. Frighteningly, she struggles to keep above water and even goes under.

Champ sees what’s happening so he immediately steps into action. He grabs the young female by the neck and brings her back to safety. Phew!

Watch the touching video below and don’t forget to share it with your family and friends!

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