Hyper Dog Answers Man’s Interview Questions

If animals could speak, what would they say? What would they sound like? Would they have accents? What would us humans talk to them about? Without words, we know that pets have personalities, but imagine how much more we’d be in store for. Their already loveable personality quirks – extra chatty, slow-moving, lazy, high energy – would be exponentially heightened with their ability to speak!

In this delightful series, a few creative souls have given animals a voice, and what these adorable dogs, cats, and even parrots say, is enough to brighten anyone’s gray day.

Pets Add Life is a non-profit public service campaign aimed at showing the Internet the joys and advantages of having a pet through responsible ownership.

The video is a short interview where a Pets Add Life interviewer asks if the dog gets bored with no other pets around, and to share what he does when he’s alone. This adorably neurotic, floppy-haired dog, has some funny answers, making for a heartwarming interview and look into a dog’s life. The dog’s imposed voice is perfectly timed, and the accent matches well to the appearance and spirit of the pup, making this clip all too precious and entertaining to watch.

Click below to see the short but sweet interview, sure to draw a smile on your face.

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