Owner Asks Husky “How Are You?” And His Response Is Accurate

If you are a dog owner or have been around dogs for any length of time, you have probably noticed that they have their own unique ways of communicating, both with people and other dogs. Some dogs are very quiet, never make a peep, and communicate only with body language. Other dogs are “talkers” and are extremely vocal.

I have the full range of “talkativeness” with my three dogs. My oldest one has always been quiet and rarely makes a sound. Her companion, who I raised from a puppy, is relatively quiet but is quick to bark if he hears a strange noise or wants my attention. My most recent rescue, an 8-year-old shelter dog, is an entirely different story. 

This little guy was picked up as a stray and turned into a shelter in Miami, FL. Due to the hurricanes, he was shipped out of Florida and showed up at my local shelter. I encountered a frightened little dog who was quite shut down, but after he came home, it didn’t take him long to get comfortable and start “talking.” He is very vocal and isn’t afraid to let everyone know what he’s thinking!

Huskies are known for being a very vocal breed, and the husky in this video certainly fits that description. Unlike many dog breeds who simply bark, Huskies have a knack for many different vocalizations and unique howling noises.

This adorable pup certainly has a lot to say to its owner and has a different answer to every single question. Huskies are also incredibly intelligent and if you listen closely, it sounds like this dog is actually answering the question with recognizable “human” answers! Even if that’s not really the case, it’s still absolutely adorable!

Watch the husky talk to its owner in the video below!

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