Man And His Green Parrot Sing Duet

Parrots are funny creatures and excellent companions. I can see why pirates chose them as their loyal counterparts while sailing the sea for months – years!– at a time. They’re chatty, sing-songy, and offer companionship on choppy water or land.

Speaking of these birds being “sing-songy,” it’s true that parrots have the incredible capacity to memorize words, lyrics and melody! Is it something you just can’t wrap your head around? Well keep reading, and then watch the astonishing video below, because one bird has quite the set of pipes.

The man, Neno Alfenas, with nothing but his guitar and his bird, are sitting outside in Sertanopolis, Brazil. It is evening time, and they are together surrounded by a few friends, ready with a camera in hand to record the show that’s about to happen. The video opens with Neno strumming the guitar while his little birdy friend sits on the headstock. Neno hasn’t started singing yet, but the parrot is whistling away in tune, his beautiful green plumage bright and fanned out.

Neno starts to sing the first verse; then it’s as if the parrot knows exactly what was sung and when his cue is because he chimes in like he’s answering his human. He goes back and forth between singing and whistling, and it’s wonderful to watch – and absolutely hilarious. Everyone starts to crack up, and Neno can’t help but grin from ear to ear.

These two are great, and when Neno sits down to take a break, Mr. Parrot doesn’t want to stop! So carry on they must, as they continue to sing a medley of Brazilian songs, including, Natiruts’ “Liberdade Pra Dentro da Cabeça.” Neno backs down and lets the bird take over, finishing their song time on a high note. It’s just all so cute!

Click below to watch this duet go down!

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