If You Eat Pink Himalayan Salt Once Per Day For A Month, THIS Is What Happens To Your Body…

Pink Himalayan Salt has been used for centuries but only recently has it jumped into the spotlight of the modern health world. Chances are that you’ve heard of this curious salt but you may be wondering what makes it so different and so much more beneficial than other salts. To get a better understanding of this we have to go look into the history of the Himalayas. The Himalayas are a vast mountain range, stretching about 2,900 km between India, Pakistan, China and Nepal. It was formed millions of years ago when landmasses collided with one another, pushing up the Asian landmass and resulting in the rise of the Himalayas.

The Himalayas is home to the highest peak on Earth, Mount Everest, and over a thousand miles from this popular destination lies the foothills of the Salt Range and the Khewra Salt Mines. Long ago this area was a shallow sea but the water has since evaporated, leaving behind crystallized sea salt that became buried deep below the mineral rich mountains. Pink Himalayan Salt is sometimes referred to as Himalayan Sea Salt, and now you know where the “Sea” part comes from!

This incredible natural process has enriched the salts with minerals that are absent in other salts. Pink Himalayan Salt includes 84 minerals and trace minerals, including iron, zinc, copper, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. This is what makes Pink Himalayan Salt so highly prized, and it explains why it offers so many health benefits! Some of the main benefits include:

1. Lowering Blood Pressure
Pink Himalayan Salt can help reduce blood pressure because it has less sodium per serving than regular table salt. Accordingly, by switching Pink Himalayan Salt, you can consume less sodium without sacrificing any flavour.

2. Detoxing Your Body
The salt helps our body move toxins out of our healthy cells and into our body’s filters for removal.

3. Relieving Sinus and Respiratory Issue
This salt can help clear up sinus problems when consumed and Himalayan Salt rocks (available as lamps) emit negative ions into the atmosphere that can help clean your air.

Check out the video below to learn more about the amazing health benefits of Himalayan Sea Salt!

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