Bossy Bulldog Convinces Horse To Follow His Lead

Unusual animal friendships are most commonly found on a farm because, well, a farm just has all the creatures! And since everyone has to spend time together in relatively close quarters, it’s the norm rather than the exception that a few of these animals will forge friendships – and cute ones, too!

This is an unlikely pair in size, weight, dominance, and species! But they are so adorable and have total respect and trust for one another. This video says it all!

What we’ve got here is a bossy baby bulldog pulling the rope hanging from his friend’s harness – a horse (!) – as they go on a sweet little adventure through the barn. The horse is super lenient and trusting as the bulldog leads the way, both appearing to have fun wherever they’re off to!

At first, the dog is going a little fast for the horse, looking back to make sure the horse can keep up. Once they’ve managed to find a pace that works for both of them, they try to pull a hard left into the doorway. This doggie loves to lead and gets a little excited when he drops the rope after tugging at it for the horse to follow. It’s ok though; he’s able to bumble over, and pick it up and get back on track. They both make their way into the next room without any bumps or bruises as they accomplished the first of many rounds of “follow the leader!”

Click below to watch who’s boss!

Source: Rumble

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