A Single Shot Of Tequila Every Day Has Some Surprising Health Benefits

I’ve never thought of tequila as being a particularly healthy beverage. In fact, any time that I’ve ever drunk tequila, I woke up the next day feeling much worse. That’s not necessarily the tequila’s fault, however. In general, alcohol is dehydrating and I may not have had enough water to drink to go along with it. Also, I certainly wasn’t limiting myself to a single shot. Finally, tequila is often mixed with sugary mixers that can increase the feeling of a hangover the next day. Tequila comes from the agave plant which has many health benefits. But, remember to only drink it ‘neat’ (no mixers) and only a single shot. Here are some of tequila’s surprising benefits:

Tequila is a probiotic. Tequila can actually help maintain the proper balance of healthy bacteria in your digestive tract, assisting with digestion and other health issues. Gut health affects your entire body.




Tequila encourages insulin production. Tequila contains fructans which are not digestible by the body and acts as fiber. It also naturally stimulates the production of insulin and is a good drink choice for diabetics and people watching their blood pressure.




Tequila helps certain medications reach the colon. For individuals who suffer from conditions like Crohn’s disease, IBS, and colitis, certain medications are a way of life. Tequila protects those medications when taken, helping them reach the colon before they are broken down by stomach acid.



Tequila can help with insomnia. Sometimes life can cause us quite a bit of anxiety and that can interfere with sleep. A shot of tequila may help to take the edge off and get some much-needed rest, which is good for your overall health.

Remember that all alcohol should be used in moderation and it takes only a small amount of straight tequila to enjoy these health benefits!

Source: Shareably

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