Sometimes, The Truth Really Does Stink


As the expression goes, the truth stinks. When we’ve put on a few pounds and someone notices, or when we thought we could get away with not washing our hair for a day or shaving that dreaded stubble and someone calls us out on it—it’s not very fun. What IS fun is putting a funny spin on these alleged truths so that they’re relatable and in no way hurtful.

You know, like when you’re almost finished with a long and winded college paper, you haven’t pressed save in hours and suddenly, your computer decides to shut down. Or when you finally have a few extra dollars at the end of the month and feel like sprucing up your wardrobe, but the sale at your favourite store has just ended.

These six situations below are equally as relatable but at the end of the day, all you can do is laugh!

1. Toilet Paper Dilemma 

When you need it most, there’s no toilet paper. This is life’s twisted sense of humour come to life. The trick? Make sure you’re fully stocked with a few extra rolls before you go to town.

Image Source: Diply 

2. Feelings

While being in love is like floating on cloud nine, being in seventh heaven or any other cliche you can think of—when you’ve got a crazy storm brewing in your gut, there really is no better feeling than having an outlet to… release said-storm. Fact!

Image Source: Diply 

3. No One’s Listening

When you’re bursting to tell your friends about something exciting, they’re not interested. When you want to dish out some saucy gossip to a sibling, they’re busy. But as soon as you let one rip, those in your presence suddenly have impeccable hearing. What’s up with that?!

Image Source: Diply 

4. Sharing Food

Marriage is all about compromise. You declare in front of your family and friends that you’ll love your partner during sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer and so on. All of those seem like agreeable terms! What ISN’T an agreeable term is when your partner leans over, ever so slightly, to steal a fry or another tasty treat on your plate. It’s, simply put, a no-go!

Image Source: Diply 

5. Breaking Something

No one wants to be blamed for something they did wrong, so in order to avoid embarrassment or a good telling-off, we usually try to pass the blame onto someone else. This pie chart pretty much sums up the chain of reaction when breaking something. Guilty? Yes!

Image Source: Diply 

6. Early To Bed, Early To Rise

Unfortunately, you really can’t have it allwhich is what this cartoon accurately highlights. It’s the sad, sad truth about life.

Image Source: Diply 

After these six images, it really is fair to admit—the truth stinks!

If you’ve related to them in any way or have had a good chuckle, be sure to share them with your family and friends.

Article source: Diply

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