Clean Spattered Oil With More Oil And 15 Other Cleaning Tips

We may hate cleaning, but it’s something that is inevitable and probably on your agenda every week or weekend. Right? Although there are some things that you must clean every day or at least once a week (i.e. the bathrooms, the floors, etc.), there are other things around the house that need your attention equally as much, but just not as often.

Things like your cutting boards, kitchen cabinet doors, and other items around the house look great when they’re sparkling clean—they’re also those things on the list that you can turn to once in a while, or when they’re in distress.

May I also suggest that you don’t always have to go out of your way to buy cleaning products to clean certain things—believe it or not, a lot of the cleaning products can be made right at home with a little bit of DIY. Don’t think so? Well below are a some good cleans hacks that’ll go a long way without you having to break the bank!

1. Use onions to clean grill grates 

Take half an onion and rub it over your grills, you’ll see them sparkling in no time.

2. Coconut oil to shine cutting boards 

Add a bit of shine by rubbing coconut oil right onto the cutting boards. This trick works well with any type of wood.

3. Use baking soda to remove coffee stains 

Have you over exhausted a mug to the point where there seem to be permanent coffee stains on the inside? No worries, sprinkle some baking soda and water into the mug and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Scrub the mug and watch the stains disappear.

4. Clean bottles with rice 

We all have those narrow-necked bottles that we just can’t clean. Add some rice, dish soap, and water to them and shake well—there goes all the scum!

5. Wear chenille socks to clean hardwood 

Wearing chenille socks will help you collect all the dust on hardwood flooring. Of course, we recommend washing your socks often.

6. Put coffee grounds in the fridge to eliminate odors 

Place some coffee on a plate and watch the smells go away.

7. Scrub kitchen cabinets with vegetable oil and baking soda for a clean finish 

8. Clean glass dishes with aluminum foil

Scrunch up some aluminum in a ball and scrub off the food stuck to any glassware.

9. Use a squeegee to remove pet hair  

10. Use sea salt to shine up a cast iron 

Use sea salt and water to scrub off any leftover food on the cast iron.

11. Use vinegar to eliminate water stains 

Rub vinegar on anything that is stained by water and watch them all disappear.

12. Clean oil spills with oil

Oil can dry up and become hard to take off. Take a sponge and add 2-3 drops of vegetable oil. Rub off the grease and then clean the surface with a cloth.

13. Take a potato and unclog the cheese grater 

The cheese grater gets clogged if it isn’t cleaned right after being used. In this case, take a small potato and start grating away to get out all the dried up cheese.

14. Clean the iron with some salt 

You can get rid of the burn marks under an iron by rubbing salt on it with a cloth. After rubbing it with salt, take a damp cloth and go over the surface.

15. Sanitize cutting boards with lemon and salt 

After putting them to so much use, it only makes sense to sanitize your wooden cutting boards. Just rub a mixture of salt and lemon juice on them and wipe them clean!

16. Wash stinky towels with vinegar, baking soda, and an essential oil to get rid of the smell


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