3 Ways To Get Rid Of Ants

I think it’s safe to say that spring is ALMOST upon us. Yes, there still are some areas that are heavily affected by snow, ice and cold temperatures, but it’s a fact that the temperatures are looking up now. The sun is out for longer throughout the day and the nights aren’t as cool as they used to be.

I’m also starting to hear birds chirp outside my window now and then in the mornings, and THAT’S a surefire sign that winter is quickly coming to an end. Another sign that the warmer days on near is the appearing of ants in your yard. 

Ants are a nuisance for everyone who has encountered the pesky bugs in the spring and summer seasons. If you’re like me, you’ve tried all sorts of store-bought sprays and traps to rid them from your home. Perhaps you’ve even called in the professionals to get the job done — they often guarantee that you’ll never see an ant in the yard, or inside the home, again. However, this idea is wishful thinking.

So, since ants are a recurring problem season after season, why not use some DIY home-made solutions for a quick and easy way to eliminate them? You don’t have to spend a ton of money to exterminate them at all. We, at Metaspoon, have shared many methods in the past, so the three shared below are ones to add to the list. These ideas are tried and tested and make for the perfect experiment on a good day.

Click on the link below to watch three new ways to get rid of ants from in and around the house!

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