$6 Walmart Wine Named One Of The Best In The World

Oh, how I do love wine.  While I’m certainly not a connoisseur, I have been known to be a bit picky about the wine that I drink. I have a general idea of the types of wines I enjoy but if you give me a wine menu and ask me to pick something, I’ll probably be lost. Will I admit to it? Absolutely not! I’ll peruse the menu for a good while, and then frankly, it’ll boil down to red versus white, and how much I feel like spending. Not exactly the most sophisticated criteria.

Is a wine’s price a true reflection of its quality? Well, if you regularly splurge on expensive wine, you probably think so. But according to the Decanter World Wine Awards, price doesn’t necessarily mean much.

The Decanter World Wine Awards conducted a blind taste test of about 16,000 wines from around the world. 240 judges and wine experts were present for the tasting. When the dust settled, everyone was shocked to find La Moneda Reserva’s Malbec so high up in the rankings. Why? Because it’s a $6 bottle of wine by Asda, a grocery chain owned by Walmart.



After it was announced that La Moneda Reserva’s Malbec won Platinum Best In Show, the demand for this bargain wine has been insatiable. It’s such a hot seller that customers even crashed the Asda website! The wine’s notes are described as “succulent juicy berries, freshly crushed black fruit, creamy vanilla yogurt and pepper spice.” Sounds good to me, I’ll take two… two cases, that is.

Good luck on your search and drink responsibly!

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