Twin Babies Can’t Stop Making Each Other Laugh

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Twins have a magical bond that leaves the rest of us scratching our heads sometimes! Because they’re basically the same person, it’s like their personality has been split into two separate beings. So, when they’re spending time together just the two of them, it’s obvious …

Teen And Partner Dance The Irish Jig In An Airport

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Airports are crammed with travelers en route to their final destination. People are grabbing last-minute gifts from the shops, picking up snacks for the flight and generally just hanging around waiting for their boarding call. It’s usually at this point that you can find me …

Newborn Twins Console Each Other

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One child is a handful. Between diaper changes, tantrums, feedings, and everything that comes with raising a new baby, it might even seem like you’ve got not one, but two hands full at times! Managing your time and resources while balancing life and the intricacies …