People Open Up About How They Caught Liars In The Act

There are certain moments and encounters in our lives that are hard to forget, especially those that hurt us. Sometimes, we may not want to know about the truth because it's too painful, but it always finds its way into the light and all there's left to do is to accept and move on. Here are some stories from people who had a crazy encounter with a hideous liar at least once in their life.

44. Partner Didn't Know I Learned How To Use His Cellphone


“Justin had been crabby all day, acting like it was a chore to run some errands with me. Like he would rather be somewhere else. The phone was ringing, and he wasn’t answering it, saying it was telemarketers. This was back when people called instead of texting. (At the time, he owned a cell, and I did not. To his knowledge, I didn’t know how to use his phone, but while he slept, I learned…) So after behaving like a jerk all afternoon, I was starving for dinner, and craving my favorite spot ‘stars’, but be was against that too, such a baby.

He needs to stop by his mom’s on the way home, and when he pulls up, tells me to come with him. I refuse! I told him, ‘I respect your mom too much, to walk in, and lie to her face, to behave as Molly  sunshine, when you’ve been a creep all day!’

While he’s in his mom’s house, the phone rings again, and so I check his voicemail.

Message 1. Can’t wait to meet you!

Message 2. I’m at Burger King, where are you?

Message 3. I can’t wait to suck you down there!

Message 4. JUSTIN, I’m waiting for you at Burger King, are you coming?

I didn’t listen to the rest of them. He wouldn’t be coming, he wouldn’t be coming in me ever again.

May I add that the voice on the other end, also wasn’t another woman, it was the voice of a man!

When he got in the car, the phone rang, and he didn’t answer it.

Me: why not just answer the phone?

Justin: telemarketer(angrily)

Me: where do you find a telemarketer that will suck you?

Justin: some dude has the wrong number, how do you know he “sucks”?

Me: I figured out how to check your voicemail, I’m not stupid. so he wants to suck some other JUSTIN?

Justin: let’s get some dinner from ‘stars’ (now he’s super nice)

Me: I’m good.

Made Justin move out, now he’s an ‘actor’.”

5 points - Liked by chca1, dawo1, krph and 2 more

43. Husband Left The ICU And Lost His Wife And Side Chick


“Not me, but a friend of mine. Her husband got in a motorcycle accident and was in the ICU. His phone was destroyed in the accident, so she decided to surprise him by replacing it with a brand new one he’d been wanting. As she’s setting it up for him and syncing all of his contacts and such, she sees a bunch of texts from one of his coworkers and her immediate thought is ‘oh my god I never told his work about the accident, this coworker is, of course, wondering why he didn’t come in today!’ So she goes to reply to the coworker and let her know about the accident, and instead finds a years-long history of naughty texts, nude photos, meetup plans for hooking up, etc.

She prints out EVERYTHING in their text, email, and Facebook message history before confronting him in the hospital. Tells him they’re getting divorced, then goes to the coworker’s husband and gives him printed copies of everything. Husband gets out of the ICU and tells the coworker they can finally be together, but she and her husband decided to try to work things out and she cuts contact. He ends up going through a year of physical therapy with no wife or girl, pretty much no friends because they all took the wife’s side, and his two adult children now hate him.

I don’t feel bad for him at all.”

4 points - Liked by dawo1, krph, lare and 1 more

42. My Pink Eye Blew Off Wife's Plans


“6 months after getting married I notice my wife seemed less interested in being intimate and texted more often. I’m wondering what’s going on, have my suspicions, but say nothing at first since I have nothing to go off of.

Another month goes by and nothing changes but I still have nothing to confront her with. I end up contracting a horrible strain of pink eye in both eyes which keeps me out of work for 3 weeks.

During this time she is really a “bee with an itch” and not very nice, and short with me on everything. I know something is up with her but I’m not sure what.

She had always liked to use my laptop when working from home since it was much better than hers. Unfortunately, she forgot to log out and the next time I went on I found everything.

For weeks (maybe longer) she had been having an online affair with a guy she hooked up with before she met me. Naughty texts all throughout the day, sending pics back and forth, talking about me like I’m some piece of crap, etc. The worst though was that they had planned to meet up. Something inside of me broke that day when I discovered the evidence.

Remember the pink eye? That kept me home during the week they were supposed to meet. (I worked 3-11. She worked 7-4 and figured she could meet him in the city and get home before I ever had a clue). The fact that her plans were all messed up explained her attitude those weeks. While I was sitting there partially blind and in terrible pain she was texting this guy and talking crap about me.

We stayed together for two more years and went to couples therapy. When the topic came up she claimed it wasn’t cheating because they didn’t meet in person. We divorced soon after. It’s almost 4 years later now and I’m still messed up over this.”

4 points - Liked by dawo1, krph, lare and 1 more

41. Husband Gaslighted Me And His Side Chick


“Second marriage-was having problems but was committed to making it work. After many months of his staying out all night and coming home under the influence of alcohol/drugs, I finally asked him to leave. We agreed he could stay with some good friends until he gets into treatment. I had a young teen daughter (not his) and couldn’t have him in the house like that.

After a month of us talking every night, him coming home on weekends, I asked him to come home.

He hadn’t gone to treatment but seemed clean/sober and declaring his love for me. He surprised me by saying he was going to live on his own for a while to get his head straight before moving home. OK. I supported him, saw his little cottage, and he kept coming home on weekends – becoming more loving and open.

I decided to surprise him and travel the 30 minutes to his cottage after work one day.

Thought we could have quickie lovemaking, walk on the beach, make dinner, yada, yada. Pull up – notice a familiar car but couldn’t place it in front of the yard – see his truck and knock on the door. First, no one answers. Knock again. Again – a pit of dread in my stomach. Finally a woman I know answers – a ‘co-worker’ of his. Asks what I want and I tell her I want to see my husband.

She says this is her house and he’s not here. Tell her I’ve been at the place before – know he lives here! She says it’s her house – has moved in a couple of months ago. And … by the way – he’s not my husband because we’re divorced.

Everything falls into place. He’d been lying and gaslighting us both. I left. Lots of other stuff transpired. Bottom line – we divorced- they married and had two children- he serially cheated – they’re divorced. I’m in a good relationship now – she’s in a relatively good space (we talk from time to time) and he’s out there on the prowl still.”

4 points - Liked by chca1, dawo1, lare and 1 more

40. Just Found Out About A Restraining Order On My Partner's Ex


“Went on a cruise with my college partner of 1 year. We had no cell phone service for the entire trip. Once we got back on land, he asked if he could use my phone to check his email to see if he had been accepted to any law schools yet. (He did not have a smartphone at the time.) He had been accepted to his top choice and we celebrated and hugged and cried with excitement together!

Later on, I was at my apartment and I got a notification from his email on my phone.

I don’t think he realized that you had to log out completely on a smartphone app. I went to log out for him, and I saw an email from his ex congratulating him. I was a bit suspicious, so I searched her name and pulled up all of the emails from her. It turns out that she had written all of his application essays for him, and they had been sneaking around so she could help him with his applications.

(He told me that she used to clip his toenails for him when they were going out…should have seen that as a red flag.)

THEN I found an email from 2 months before that she had sent to his entire family: Mom, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc asking them to forgive her for violating the terms on their restraining order that he had filed against her. She attached screenshots of their text messages where he had been calling her babe and asking to meet up.

She said that she would always love him and always be there for him if he asked regardless of the restraining order.

I had NO idea about any of this. We had not even talked about exes after the initial getting to know you phase and there was definitely no mention of a restraining order. Needless to say, we broke it off as it was clear that he had issues beyond me.

He still calls me every now and then to tell me that I was the best thing that ever happened to him and he is sorry for being a douche nugget. This was 6 years ago.”

3 points - Liked by Jektar, dawo1 and Venitrat

39. Partner Of Three Years Cheated On Me With A Girl He Plays Xbox With


“I had been with my partner for 3 years. We were young and in love, at least that’s what I thought.

For weeks something hadn’t felt right. He had a new Xbox live friend with who he was in constant contact, she even started getting the bus to college with us. Eventually, they started sitting together on the bus and I was left alone.
Young stupid me let that happen because I wanted him to have this new friend.

I trusted him so much.

Fast forward a few months and it’s Christmas. He comes around to my house on Christmas morning and gets his gifts, my mum even gives him £50 on a card. That year I had saved up all of my EMA (this was a payment of £10 a week for going to college paid by the government, sadly this no longer exists) to buy him a coat he’d wanted for ages.

It took me months to save for that stupid coat. A good time was had by all and he goes home with his gifts in hand.

Later that day I get a call from my best friend asking if I was coming to the cinema tomorrow. I was a little confused as there was no plan which I told her. She then also seemed confused and said ‘we’ve had this planned for weeks now, didn’t your man tell you?’.

I play this off like oh he must have forgotten how silly!

I call him straight away and ask why he didn’t invite me and he gets super aggressive and starts shouting about how we don’t need to do everything together etc. He slams down the phone and refuses to speak to me for the rest of Christmas Day. I’m really confused and blindsided because we had a lovely morning together exchanging gifts.

So the next day I march myself down to the cinema. There he is with that Xbox live girl with his arms wrapped around her. She was wearing the jacket that I had saved for months to buy him. My friends were there too, they didn’t seem fazed. This included my ‘best friend’. I couldn’t face them so I just went home and cried a lot.

I eventually texted my ‘best friend’ and let her know what I’d seen. She then began to explain how everyone knows he’s been with this girl for a while now and that he loves her, but he doesn’t know how to break it off with me because I’m crazy. That hurt more than words can describe.

He tried to weasel his way out of it but we broke up that day, he denied it for months and months.

He strung me along for so long. I was broken-hearted, young, and stupid. It wasn’t until months later I found out that he had been secretly going out with her at the same time as he was messaging me apologizing and begging. I did forgive my friends at first but they hid their relationship from me again, my best friend even tried to convince me to give him another chance.

The whole situation really messed me up for a long long time, I couldn’t even trust my friends, I felt so alone. I still have some major trust issues but I’m slowly working through them. The whole situation changed me, I was a very open and loving person who would do anything for anyone. I trusted far too easily. But I can happily say I actually trust the people In my life now because I took a long time to let them in and to get to know them.

I have been with my current partner for 3 years now and I love him very much. He’s so open and understanding, I’m almost glad that my ex cheated on me because I developed so much after that. I grew in ways I didn’t think possible. Becoming more closed emotionally isn’t always a terrible thing, I’ve managed to avoid some awful situations and I don’t get hurt easily anymore.

Things get better, I truly want to marry my partner someday and I believe I can trust him 100% even if that’s not easy sometimes.”

3 points - Liked by trueloveexists, Jektar and dawo1

38. Caught Dad Cheating On Mom Via Facebook


“My parents were together for 12 years before they split. They’d been together since my mum was 15 and she gave birth to me at 17, my dad was 22. My dad was notorious for cheating on mum, but it was always very well hidden every time they’d split up or we’d go to stay with family for a few days, etc. I always assumed everything was pretty normal with my family.

I was on our family computer when I was 12, playing Club Penguin and my dad said ‘Oh, can I use the computer for a sec? Just gotta check Facebook’ so I’m like sure. I came back maybe 15 minutes later to grab something from the kitchen and he’s not there. I flashed my eyes at the screen and it reads ‘Who the eff is (my mum’s name)’.

This message was from a lady whose name I didn’t recognize and I just thought, oh, that’s a bit odd.

I told mum, she sees it, confronts him. He’d been lying to us saying he was going to a ‘quit smoking’ class and seeing this other woman and her kids, spending our rent money on clothes and toys for them, and putting us in debt because of his actions.

His excuse was because my mum had let herself go (she’d just had a baby). That night, I’m not even entirely sure what happened. I slept in my mum’s room with my brother because we were all terrified of my dad. Mum went downstairs a few times to talk to him and when she came back upstairs to us she just looked so heartbroken. It’s an image I will never forget.

All she’d ever known, all she’d built had been with him and it wasn’t enough.

So, that was that. He upped and left the next day. Took most of our stuff, and my mum was left with me and a brand new baby. He later talked to me about this and cried and I just looked at him the whole time thinking you’re such a jerk for doing this to us.

You’d think after losing his family he would maybe learn. But I get messages, at least 3/4 times a year from women I don’t know who decides to tell me about my dad and his swingers profiles. He uses me and my brother as bait to travel between women, saying he’s coming to see us so he has to leave their house but we never actually see him. He’s a druggie, a sociopath and if you asked him whether he’d done anything wrong, he would blame all of this on us. He’s finally been cut from our lives completely and I’m happy. He’s a horrible influence and my brother who is now 10 can see that.

Fudge you, dad.”

2 points - Liked by dawo1 and lare

37. Found Out My Spouse Of 13 Years Has Been Sleeping With Dozens Of Other Men


“My partner of 13 years (on and off) and I don’t live together anymore. We broke up 2 years prior for a few weeks and I moved out, we kept the situation but agreed to continue to work on us, giving us space to handle it. Working late on a Friday, he goes unusually silent for a while. Planned on meeting up later. Planning on spending the night.

Dinner is suggested but I’m pushing the time – we often try to make plans but I have a demanding job and things get pushed, and then have to work late, so this is normal. We’ve been together for 13 years at this point. We don’t get mad when work gets in the way.

He said earlier he was meeting a friend for a drink. I start to get that weird sick feeling I got the last time he cheated on me 5 years ago with 5 guys.

Prior to going silent, he was super encouraging that it was no problem, even though I felt terrible that once again dinner plans were being ruined.

I shake it off. No, he’s not doing it again. No way. We’re working on us. He wouldn’t lie. Why am I getting this feeling? He’s only responding once an hour though. He’s acting super encouraging that I’m still working. I don’t tell him I got off work, I’m surprising him.

I show up at the apartment, he’s there, I see his car, but I can’t get ahold of him. I wait outside for a moment (we live in LA), and he arrives in an Uber with a guy. Hm. He doesn’t see me.

I panic. I’m going up there. No, don’t. What are you doing? Phone a friend, says get out of there, call him later. About to leave, but he comes outside with the guy.

Guy’s hand is on him. They’re walking the dogs really quick. Guy’s hands are all over him. Guy kissed him. My partner grabs him. I throw the car in drive and squeal away – he totally saw me leaving.

Turn around. Screw this. Going to confront. I park and stand outside the apartment complex. Do I go in? Start to go in, I hear them leaving on the 2nd floor.

I go back outside and wait.

He comes outside laughing with him. Didn’t notice me or see my car. ‘What are you doing here?’ I’m frozen and can’t speak. I stammer ‘What is going on?’ over and over. Can’t ask any real questions. He again but more angrily asks me ‘What are you doing here?’ I’m shocked at the way he’s speaking to me. He pushes the guy into his car and says we’ll talk, I’m standing there repeating ‘What is going on?’

He takes the guy home, comes back.

He’s been cheating. I forgive him, but find out soon after it hasn’t ended. He’s convinced the guy I was an ex (I didn’t stand up for myself and our relationship at that moment so I left things vague – easy for him to manipulate the guy into believing). He gets in the shower one night and I go into his computer – he forgot I set it up so I had a fingerprint pass on it.

Find out he’s been sleeping with dozens of men, unprotected for years. An upwards of 50. I have no idea how he’s managed it for 2 years… but a lot of things start to make sense.

I screenshot everything. I get all the numbers and show all the guys what he’s been doing proof proof proof, but it didn’t make me feel better. Made me feel worse.

I’m better than that. He’d been sleeping with his boss and lost his job when the boss found out he was lying and still in a relationship. Almost lost his home. Couldn’t find a job. It was a mess. All made me feel worse at the end, not sweet revenge. I should have walked away with dignity.

It spurred him to change and get help. That’s my solace in it all – I didn’t realize how messed up he was from his childhood. He was broken inside and hiding it. We weren’t doing well. I guess it happens when things go unchecked. He’s working on a doctoral degree in therapy. We took a long time to heal but are still friends. I have to admit I still love him… It’s just hard to ever trust again.”

2 points - Liked by dawo1 and lare

36. Partner Forgot I Know How To Count


“A girl I was going out with in college went to spring break with her friends and brother in Florida. I ended up going to awesome friends I grew up with in Florida as well.

After Spring break, I drove south to meet her and her friends since their car broke down and they had to get it repaired the next day.

The two girls with my girl were each in a bed and my girl and I made a bed on the floor.

She was acting weird when it was time to go to sleep but figured it was because her friends were in the room so whatever.

She rides back to school with me and things are back to normal.

Back in my day, we took pictures and had to get them developed. The film came in increments of 12, 24, or 36 so I could get a pack of pictures that included that many pictures, and each set of pictures came in their own package.

There was a noticeable difference in the number of pictures per package but I assumed it was due to the number of pictures per roll. As I was looking at her pictures I noticed that her brother brought two friends to spring break with him so it was 3 guys and 3 girls and suddenly my radar went off.

I decided to count the pictures per pack and the first pack of 12 pictures only contained 10 pictures.

Hmm, what happened to the other pictures? I count the bigger pack and it had like 21 pictures in it. Wtf? Did the picture place rip her off? The next two packs of pics had less than they should have had.

After counting all packs, it was crystal clear. Some of the pics were of her and the guy she was hooking up with so she removed them from the packs.


The second time, same girl: At school, you had your own mailbox and you would go check it each day to see if you had anything. I had mailed her a card and could not wait for her to get it.

She went to her mailbox and hid the item she got out of the mailbox. I knew it was my card so I thought she was being silly.

I told her to stop playing and open my card. She says, what card? I said the one I sent you and you just grabbed out of your mailbox. I noticed it was a white envelope and not the red one I sent so I said, oh, o thought it was the card I sent you and she did it was just her phone bill (we used to pay for long-distance calls). I wanted to know why she was hiding her phone bill so insisted she open it. Sure enough, there were daily calls to her ex in New Jersey. It was at all hours and I knew why she was hiding it.

Damn, women will crush you.”

2 points - Liked by VeggieGawd55 and dawo1

35. Flew Across The Country After Catching My Cheating Partner


“About 8 years ago, my girl ran into her high school crush in a bar. She was with her friend and he was with his friend at the time. No big deal, right? We were both 13 years out of high school. The dude’s girl died in her sleep that night. Some kind of undiagnosed heart infection, so she hung out with him a few times over the next few months as a supportive friend.

She ends up coming home at 1 am one night saying she ran into another friend who is gay and was celebrating his birthday. I was pretty angry at this point, more so cause she hadn’t texted me at all. We went in and ate dinner and I went to bed, mainly annoyed cause I wasted 3 hours of my night. She wanted to hook up and so did I, but I’d have rather her go to sleep annoyed also, so we didn’t.

Turns out she hooked up with him in his car that night. No condom. No birth control. Then tried to pass that betrayal juice onto me.

How I found out was getting on her laptop to pull some pictures from a vacation we had recently been on. Found a picture of them kissing and called her immediately, which she then poorly said was done cause it was funny.

She got home and broke up with me.

A few weeks later we were at the same bar separately. We got drunk together and got a hotel room cause I was a depressed idiot about her. She refused to take her shirt off in the room, which was strange. Eventually, we both fell asleep. I woke up to pee and decided to take a look at her phone.

Found pictures of hickeys all over her chest and took a peek at their texts, cause I needed the truth. Ended up hanging around with her for another year as ‘those two’, making everyone uncomfortable around us cause nobody knew what we were. When you’re with someone for so long, you tend to get stupid for a while, and my fear of the unknown was winning big here.

This whole situation led me to do something out of character and totally unexpected of this big-time introvert. I flew across the country (DE to CA) to meet a girl, basically a stranger, that I occasionally played Modern Warfare 2 with. After having a whole country between us, a few unexpected pieces fell into place that led her to move to VA a few months after I met her. We did the distance thing for a bit from there. She and I have now been together for almost 7 years. We live together in VA and are planning a move to San Antonio next summer. I wouldn’t change a single thing about the events that led to that spontaneous trip to CA in early 2012.”

2 points - Liked by dawo1 and lare

34. Two Exes Caused Me Serious Emotional Damage And Trust Issues


“Well my first serious relationship in high school cheated on me multiple times but the one I accidentally found out about was after hanging out all weekend my mom came to pick me up from his house, as I was leaving and walking down the steps a friend of mine comes around the corner of the house and walks right into me on the steps. We both just stand there and he comes out onto the deck and starts mumbling excuses and I say ‘Man whatever go screw yourselves’ and hop in my mom’s van.

I didn’t break up with him for four more months but when I did I literally just moved away from university and never told him or talked to him again.

My ex-fiancé and bio father of my two kids made cheating on me basically a past time toward the end of our relationship where he would rub it in my face how much better than me all the druggie chicks he was banging at the crack houses he was hanging out at at the time.

However, there were two times earlier in our relationship I accidentally found out and should have simply seen these warning signs as what they were.

The first one was when we had a long-distance relationship and he had a party at his apartment on St Patty’s Day but I was making a surprise trip there because it was on a long weekend for me. When I arrived his ex was asleep on the floor in his room and he was on the bed and they were in various stages of undress.

He lied and said he invited his ex and she ‘only slept over because her ride ditched her and he felt bad so let her stay.’

Another time, his best friend’s significant other randomly showed up at our house and it was just me and our then two-year-old home because he was out with a said friend. We didn’t really get along because he painted me as a crazy woman (maybe I was because he was such an abusive, manipulative jerk who knows tho).

She stammered out some excuses about borrowing a video game and I began suspecting so I said ‘Are you….here to hook up with [ex-fiance]???’ She just blinked back tears, apologized, and left. So, pretty sure their plans had gotten mixed up.

(Long story short we broke up and I got sole custody of the kids he had no involvement with them for the rest of his life)

Every partner I’ve ever had has cheated on me.

It really does change you. The first time it happened I was a depressed teenager drinking and doing a lot of drugs in an unhealthy relationship that supported that habit. I had such low self-esteem I didn’t really do anything about it which just led me to believe that’s what I deserved until my mid-late 20s. It was still hard to let my current partner in and I still find myself being suspicious for no reason. I have literally no reason to not trust this man, he even put in 6 months of me purposely pushing him away because I didn’t even want to attempt letting someone else in again. It doesn’t seem fair that someone else’s choices have this kind of impact on the people they’re cheating on.”

2 points - Liked by Okkaren and dawo1

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Okkaren 3 years ago
It's not fair, I'm glad your new dude pushed past your insecurities. That alone should say how much HE knows YOU'RE worth it. <3
0 Reply

33. Partner's Unlocked Phone Revealed All Of Her Secrets


“Put my significant other to bed after a night out – she got really drunk and I stayed up a bit to make sure she drank water, wasn’t going to puke, etc. Also plugged her phone in for her, and as I did so, it buzzed in my hand and a text popped up like, ‘where u at, hottie?’ and I couldn’t resist the temptation to see if her phone was password locked (it wasn’t)…

I’ve never checked anyone’s phone aside from this once, but, holy crap. Not only was she in ongoing relationships with several other dudes, but she was also having random hookups with guys as well, telling them to sneak through her window, or come around the back of the house, so as not to get caught by her roommates.

Not only THAT, but she was actively turning tricks in another town on some sugar daddy site (I thought she’d been going out of town to visit friends/family every other weekend). There were some really detailed conversations in there about what she would and wouldn’t do, how much it’d cost, scheduling, etc. Makes my skin crawl.

She sought me out 6 months later to apologize, admit that she had some emotional/psychological issues, and tell me I was a nice dude and deserved better. Which, even though I’d moved on, was a little consolation.”

2 points - Liked by dawo1 and lare

32. Won't Let Ex-Fiancé Fool Me Twice


“My ex-fiance. Three months from getting married, three months from her graduating college after I sent her back to school. Her phone started blowing up all the time and one day I asked who it was and she said ‘Andrew’ in this giggly girly voice. I knew it was a problem immediately. Asked for details, was a guy she used to know, never dated, apparently had wanted to.

Asked her to cool it. Seemed like she did.

Started seeing her online on Facebook late at night (I was a night owl, lived separately), and she was always tired. One Sunday while she napped, I looked at her phone. Some wayyyyy explicit texts about what she wanted him to do to her and what she wants to do to him. Confronted her. She denied, then got angry because I violated her privacy, then excused it because she hadn’t actually sucked him yet.

I was dumb. Gave her an ultimatum. One week to decide what she wanted. A happy life with me, or to screw off. She asked if she could have a free pass. Nope. One week, don’t talk to him or me, make a decision. After a week, she said she chose me. She went to shower, I looked at her phone, and it was the same old crap.

Confronted her. She asked if she could marry me but still hook up with him. Nope. I told her to figure her crap out and left.

The next day she ignored every form of contact I tried to make. So I went to her house. All my stuff was in a pile with the ring on top. Spent the next two weeks untangling finances, phone lines, and other crap.

And she went on to hook up with Andrew and half the town. She contacted me a year and a half later when I was in the process of moving and told me she’d made a huge mistake and wanted to marry me. I laughed at her and told her to have a nice life. Fool me twice, but I’ll be damned if it’ll be thrice.”

2 points - Liked by Okkaren and dawo1

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Okkaren 3 years ago
Good! I'm so glad you burned that bridge.
0 Reply

31. Ten Years Later, We Encountered A Deja Vu In Our Marriage


“I get home from work and she is passed out with the lights on in the bedroom fast asleep. I go to tuck her in and see a message come up on her phone. Dude’s name with hearts on it. I open. The phone and see a massive amount of explicit messages and pictures in the message thread. I wake her up and she denies it.

Goes back to sleep. I dig deeper in her phone and see they have been naughty texting and have had at LEAST more than one meeting for hooking up. The one time I saw for certain was on a day that she was supposed to be running errands while I took our kids to a theme park for some family fun. I wake her up again and she says they’ve never hooked up.

Right because we are in Junior high…lol We have two kids and 10 years of marriage so we decide to try and make it work.

After a few months, I get angrier and angrier and we decide it’s time for therapy. In the very first session, she confessed it’s not her first time cheating. Turns out she cheated on me during our entire time being engaged and through our first few months of being married.

10 years prior it was the exact same situation. Came home, she was passed out, she got a text from a dude from her work with hearts. Opened her phone and her last message was ‘sweet dreams daddy’. We had only been married 4 months at the time and she swore they were only friends.

As I type this I feel like such a dummy. I lost my mind.

Told her how disgusted I am with her and how she is the worst person I’ve ever met. Says she is leaving the room after I proceed to break stuff around the house. I tell her she better leave because it’s taking all my strength to not break her face. The next day we had therapy and she says she wants a trial separation. I agree. 4 months later she gets annoyed because she THINKS I’m seeing someone else (which I’m not) and says she wants a divorce and even though she had said she didn’t want alimony she now wants money. I file for divorce at the end of this month.”

2 points - Liked by dawo1 and lare

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teba 3 years ago
Get a DNA test on those kids
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30. Our Phone Bill Revealed My Partner's Secret


“Been together for 8 years, he knew what I had been thru & I knew what he had been thru with previous partners that cheated. We both promised to never hurt each other that way. Halloween night he was ‘out of town’ for work & said he felt so bad for not being there. But The very next night he said he was going out with friends bc he deserved a night out.

I agreed 100% bc I never in million years thought he would lie to me. Especially after we had both been on the other end of cheating partners. Said he would be home early, I fell asleep. Woke up at 2 am & he wasn’t home text- no answer, called straight to voice mail. Then for whatever reason, that to this day I don’t know why but I looked at our phone bill and saw who his last text was to & called the number, it was a female’s voice.

My heart sank into my stomach & at that moment I just knew.

He called shortly with some crap story and after coming home… all hell broke loose! It was awful!!!! It messed with my heart, head, & soul. It broke me to a point where I thought I might need to be committed. I’m talking I wanted to harm both of them, I couldn’t eat or sleep & if I did sleep, I would wake up screaming from horrible nightmares, it was so bad!! I seriously lost my crap! Thank God my daddy taught me to be tough!! It may have taken every single fiber of my being but I finally got my stuff together. If it weren’t my kids, self-worth, and support system?? I would be in jail right now, for real!! Those were some of my darkest days & although the whole thing made me a completely different person, I’ve done my best to make peace with it.”

2 points - Liked by dawo1 and lare

29. Ex Used My Money To Meet Her Other Man In Norway


“My ex wanted to go to Norway to visit some of her friends. Bought her the ticket since she was broke and would pay me back later which she never did. Couldn’t get a hold of her easily while she was out there and in general she was evasive, put it down to her having fun with friends. During the week one of her friends (let’s call her H) wanted to meet up for a drink, and a chat.

Which was very confusing considering H was supposed to be in Norway with my ex. The clueless gullible moron I am thought whatever, it doesn’t matter, maybe she got cold feet or something, didn’t even question her why she wasn’t there… Went to the pub, and had a chat with H. That’s when I found out my ex was out there to meet some slimy jerk she was talking to for months.

Apparently, she thought the relationship was dead and just dragged me along for the money. I was still too much in love with her to realize all this was happening. Apparently, H told me because she thought I didn’t deserve this type of treatment. I still couldn’t believe it, I denied this was happening and later decided to text my ex about it. She denied anything was going on.

I asked who she was with and she said she was with H amongst her other friends. I told her I just had a chat with H and pretty much ended the conversation there.

I went over to her house, got all my stuff, and dropped it off at my parents. Put her key through the letterbox and just left. Cut her out completely. I got a text asking where I was when she got off the plane.

Didn’t respond just deleted every message and blocked the number.

Left me with a lot of trust issues, I constantly have a horrible feeling whenever my girl is talking to someone new online. If she’s met someone new while gaming. She knows this and tries to explain who it is to help me calm down. I never ask her to, I don’t want to intrude but she knows it freaks me out. She’s helped me through a lot.”

2 points - Liked by dawo1 and lare

28. Wife Removed My Name From Her List Of Crushes


“So, I got engaged to my (ex-)wife in college and ended up living with her over the summer that I proposed to her. One night she’s going through things in our room (her room) and finds this book she got in middle school. The purpose of the book was to write down your crushes and boys you liked as a sort of diary. She showed it to me highlighting her past attempted conquests, and I thought it was cute.

I remember replying, ‘Well, you better toss that, you won’t need it anymore’. And we laughed, kissed, were in love. We got married three years later, put our lives on hold for one another, and started into the brave new world of marriage.

Fast forward.

So, my wife and I are 7 years into our marriage. I had gotten laid off from my job 8 months prior and wasn’t handling it well.

I was overweight, drinking more often, and my wife’s distance over the past 14 months was becoming very worrisome. Obviously, something was going on with her, but she said nothing was wrong. I tried being more romantic, more helpful around the house, and finally closed the deal on a new job with a good pay raise. Things in my career began to look up, but it felt like my home life was falling apart.

While I was unemployed, my wife and I would still do community theatre shows, as that was our passion. I’d do stage plays, she’d do musicals. She had recently gotten done with the musical Company, and just adored the cast. And she made new friends, which was always a concern as she could sometimes not be social at all.

We end up going to the coast with my parents and she’s distant and preoccupied.

I tell her I’m really worried about us and I want us to see a couples counselor, as I don’t want to let things slide and end up being miserable and getting a divorce. She agrees, and I breathe easier thinking we can work through whatever her misgivings are.

We get home, and the next week goes by and I think I find a counselor who can help.

I get home from work one day, and she’s at a meeting with the President a volunteer board of directors we both are a part of. I see that the laundry is dry and grab it to go put it away. She’s mixed her stuff in with my stuff, but I know where all her stuff goes, so I begin folding and putting away.

I go over to put her underwear away and open the drawer and it gets stuck.

I do that thing where you try to unjam it by pushing your own on whatever’s in there to open it. Once I finally get it open, there are two vibrators in there that I had no idea she owned. A bit embarrassed as it’s not really my business, I’m also kind of concerned why she wouldn’t tell me about them. Also, right on top in her underwear drawer, was that book she showed me the summer we got engaged.

Curious that she still had it, I grew more concerned.

To stop here for a moment, I guess you could say yes I violated her privacy by going into her underwear drawer, but this went from ‘I’m trying to be a helpful husband’ to ‘why does she have all this stuff?’. I will take responsibility that I got curious and looked at something not meant for me.

I opened the book to see what she wrote about me again before putting it back in the drawer, it was a sweet blast from the past… But also concerning. I got to what was supposed to be the last page, my page… But it wasn’t my page.

Nor was the one before that.

Or the one before that.

Three separate guys since we’d been married over a period of 6 years.

And the most recent guy was some guy ten years younger than her. That she’d just been in a musical with. And the affair had been going on for months. Which explained why she went to parties more, and really enjoyed that cast in particular. They also all knew about the affair and didn’t tell me.

And there are pictures of him. And love notes between the two of them.

And then I get to my page and my picture is removed.

I was devastated. I cried for a bit, then called her mid-meeting, asked her to put the President of the Board on the phone, and informed him that the meeting needed to end early because there was a family emergency, and then I told her to get home as soon as possible because we had some things to discuss.

After that, we eventually did try to get couples counseling (but I found out she was just humoring me until a friend of hers could end their lease so she could have a roommate, then she quit), and I asked point-blank when she was going to tell me about the cheating, and she replied, ‘When we got into counseling’, which I highly appreciate that the therapist guffawed out loud at, and then took her to task for a bit about.

Didn’t change anything though: we still got divorced because of the lies and the cheating. Sometimes I get nostalgic for what we had when we were happy, but I do not miss that liar. Nope. Not anymore.”

2 points - Liked by dawo1 and lare

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trueloveexists 3 years ago
You did not violate her privacy by opening her underwear drawer. You are her husband! Don't take blame when there's none to be had.
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27. Went Home To My Wife Who's Been Sleeping With My Three Friends


“I got a job for a tile/terrazzo place great job, great pay, horrid hours. We were out of town for the first job I worked, 4 hours from home. It was fit 6 guys in a 2-bed hotel room. We worked from 7 am to 9 pm. Hard physical labor. We went to bed tired we woke up tired. Well after my first week I am getting home and I see 2 of my friends’ cars in the driveway.

Oh cool, they were probably waiting for me to get home nice. Since they didn’t know what time I’d be coming home. I open the door to the house and didn’t see anybody. Weird. I start walking through the house still nobody. Well, they must be over at the store getting food for a big supper that’d be nice, that is so something they would do.

I head back to the bedroom to change. I open the bedroom door and I see my wife in the middle of hooking up with three of my friends. They didn’t exactly see me at first.

I drop my bag and kind in more of a growl than speaking says ‘Get The Heck Out Of My House’. I am currently blocking the door. They try to get through it and I don’t move.

I say 5, they are trying to put clothing on. 4 again Get The Heck Out into a yell. They begin panicking. 3 more scrambling to get dressed and find the right clothes. 2 Travis runs over to the window and opens it. 1

I start with a very guttural YOU BUTTHOLES ran straight over to Travis trying to get out the window. Grabbed him by the legs and dropped him out on his head into the dog pen.

He had a poop smear on his face so he landed in poop I am good with that. The other two ran over to the opposite edge of the bed trying to get out the other window but my wife accidentally painted it shut. I come at them full boar impact Chad, who still isn’t wearing pants, right into the wall hard. David went to jump up and ran over the bed stepping on my wife’s leg trying to get out.

I let him run he was still naked no clothes in hand. Chad gets up and has the gall to throw a punch at me. Fight or flight I guess I grab him and put him through the window he fell about 7 feet and landed in the barberry bushes. Pro Tip thorny bushes help prevent people from using that as an entry point in your house to steal your stuff.

Also if you catch your ‘friends’ with your ‘wife’ it will cause all kinds of havoc to his downstairs. I think he ended up with 7 stitches in his scrotum. As this was the time before cell phones I walked over to the home phone called Chad’s wife and called Travis’s Wife to let them know what just happened. I am still friends with Amy and Jess after their divorces can’t blame them. David didn’t even have a partner and I always felt kind of sorry for the guy he was a good guy just never could get his life together. To this day if they see me they do not try and talk to me they avoid me like the plague. So then about a month and a half later my second child was born.”

2 points - Liked by dawo1 and lare

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lare 3 years ago
Fucking hell! She was that pregnant and running a train!?
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26. It Was The Worst Weekend I've Ever Had


“So, after I left college I moved to New Delhi to live with my aunt and uncle to try and figure things out and work a little bit in the oil book (I didn’t do anything directly with the oil, just a beneficiary… Walmart paid $17 an hour as a cashier) meet this girl in the summer after I start planning a move to Maryland to play JUCO Lacrosse.

She is really attractive I get love drunk and never go and end up going out with her. I’m 19 at the time and she is 20 turning 21. For her 21st she goes to a softball tournament in Montana. While she’s there and I have horrible gut feelings and extremely vivid dreams of her cheating. Coincidentally, she has no cell service either. One of her friends fake proposed to her while they were at a bar one night.

Never found out what happened, only saw her crying when I dropped all her belongings off.

In addition to that, that very same weekend my ex, high school sweetheart, who I had been on and off with for the better part of 4 years texts me and says how happy she is I found someone.

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten over her completely and I don’t think I will.

I was an extremely terrible guy the semester I was in college and cheated on her with multiple women. One girl at school found out and chewed my ass out, deservedly so.. so the weekend she texted me I couldn’t take it anymore… And I told her everything.

I’ve never felt more in control of my actions than I did at that moment. It was arguably the worst weekend I’ve ever had.

But I owned up to everything. Over the years I’ve tried to earn her forgiveness, though I know it’ll never happen, I hope one day I can make everything better.

Today, my New Delhi ex is married to that guy and had a kid with him. My high school sweetheart, I believe is in a serious relationship as well. I haven’t spoken to either in years and don’t plan to.

And to Catie, I’m sorry. I always will be.

As for me, I joined the army about 3 years ago and I’m currently married, haven’t cheated again. I’m getting ready to come home after being deployed for a year. Bless up! Please don’t ever cheat. If you’re unhappy end the relationship or try to fix what’s wrong. Cheating hurts everyone and it’s something you always live with. If you have any resemblance of a heart it will kill you from inside out until you start tackling it head-on.”

2 points - Liked by Okkaren and dawo1

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Okkaren 3 years ago
I'm glad at how this ended, the beginning with breaking up over a fake proposal and bad dreams was a bit overkill. Please reflect on your life and see if you do that to your spouse now. No one deserves to live in fear of their SO's reactions to nothing.
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25. Cheating Story Turned Into A Fabulous Revenge Story


“This happened to my really good friend K a few years back before I knew her. She’s now happily married to an awesome dude but in high school…..

She had been going out with a man named Jake for a few months and felt that he had been distant lately ever since she agreed to touch his ‘package.” A friend came up to her one day and asked how the surprise went.

Obviously, she knew nothing about the surprise and the friend started feeling confused. The friend said ‘oh, I saw Jake and a girl from another school. They said they were going to surprise you!’ Well, K mentioned that this was after a few weeks, so obviously friend thought that the ‘surprise’ had already gone down.

So, she started calling him more often and asking him what he’s doing, where he is, etc.

He would be truthful about where he was but not who he was with. She started taking pictures of Jake and the girl together.

After a few weeks, this went from a horrific cheating story (she doesn’t think it was considering she only went out with him for a few months, but I think it was still horrific), to an act of legendary revenge. After amassing tens and hundreds of pictures, she tailed him for one last showdown.

Asked him where he was. ‘Mall with the guys,’ he says. Of course, he was with this aforementioned girl. K walked up to him, asked who the girl is. He started stuttering saying she’s just a friend.

K smiled, pulled the pictures from her purse, started laying them down in front of him. The pictures were all of them cuddling or kissing on a bench in a quiet area of the mall (yes only one mall is involved in this story).

She took out the last of the pictures, looked him in the eyeball, and said the immortal words: Don’t call me or my friends. We’re done. Flipped her hair, and walked off.

A few days after, apparently, he tried saying something on a social media platform akin to Facebook in my country about her cheating on him, and, boy, she scanned a few pictures and posted it on her wall, obviously tagging him and his mum in it, asking him to tell the real truth.

Not sure about the ending of this one, but he either deactivated his account or she just proceeded to block him. However, it did wow my 11th-grade mind and from when she told the story, I knew she was a keeper.”

2 points - Liked by Okkaren and dawo1

24. Found Out My Ex's Dirty Secret Through Her Sister


“My ex had a rich family and 2 siblings, one guy and one girl. The girl was only a year younger than her.

So we were going out for well over a year and I asked her if I could at least meet her siblings. She declined. So I asked if I could get their numbers at least in case anything happens.

She accuses me of wanting to hook up with her sister and all that.

Admittedly, she is hot, but I’m the last guy to cheat in a relationship.

I let the whole thing drop and a few weeks down the line she gets all flirty and asks if I want a threesome. I thought I hit the gold! Yeees! I ask if she got anyone in mind for it given she asks me so directly and she tells me that her sister expressed interest in it.

I’m not really sure in what order, but my feelings could be best described as confusion, horror, questioning her sanity, questioning her sister (one eyebrow each lifted up), horny, then confusion again and I finally ask her if she’s serious and if she’s okay with it and if she knows that I can and probably will end horribly. She said yes and so I agreed to it and told her that she should decide everything as it’s her and her sister.

See, at this point, I knew that our relationship would never be anything more because after almost 2 years I haven’t met a single of her friends, siblings, or others. So I decided to get the best out of it.

A week later she tells me she arranged everything and general info etc. I tell her that I’m excited and hope we’ll all enjoy ourselves.

And that’s where she lost it.

She accused me of hooking up with her sister, wanting her sister more than her, and so on and so forth. Nowadays, as I’m older, I realize it was mostly insecurity. But back then I thought she was directly attacking me and my personality. I would never leave anyone for someone else and I would never cheat. I tell her that but she’s still upset and spends the next few days at her parents’.

The day of the threesome comes and I’m really confused about what to do. On one hand, she seemed ecstatic when she asked me about it but I’m really not sure if it’s the right thing to do.

But the relationship is probably pretty much over, let’s just put the nail in the coffin with this.

So I arrive there and I see her sister but not herself.

We talk a bit and I find out that, while she actually asked her sister for a threesome and her sister actually agreed, she last-minute canceled it for ‘something important’. I would’ve understood it if she said she never wants to see us again or something but ‘something important’?.

We decide to chat a bit over coffee and we find a lot of similarities. Me and my ex never really connected on more than one or two things and she was never interested in anything else I did so it was always pretty…boring and sad around her.

But not with her sister! We were basically copies of each other. We decide to meet up again and I go home for the day to figure myself out.

She calls me a few days later and tells me she wants to meet up XX this time. I looked the address up and it’s some kind of shady hookup hotel/bar something. I’m really confused but she assures me it’ll be worth it.

I know the wording is weird, but I didn’t think she’d make her sister’s partner cheat and even so, I could just walk away if that’s the case.

We meet up, she greets me really enthusiastically and when I ask her what’s up with it she tells me that she thought I’d need it.

Now slightly worried I follow her into that weird building, up the stairs, and to a room.

From inside the room, we hear naughty moaning  and not just two people. More like 20.

I look at her and she just looks at me with these sad eyes and proceeds to open to door. The room was completely empty except for a woman on the ground and probably 10 or so guys each taking a few thrusts at her and then switching. I don’t even think that woman noticed me, but another guy invited me to join in and, as my curiosity was getting the best of me, I was creeping closer and finally recognized the woman.

Yes, as you guessed, my girl!

I just run out the door and run into basically nowhere. I sit down at a bus stop and stay there for a few hours, just staring at the horizon.

Well, the next day my girl acts as if nothing happened as she probably didn’t see me. She messages me her usual good morning and how I am. I don’t answer.

So over the next few hours, I get asked how hooking up with her sister was if I left her now and all sorts of insults.

The sister calls me and just tells me to keep the door unlocked, and 10 minutes later she’s there just with this really sad look on her face.

See, I couldn’t tell anyone. I felt ashamed. I felt humiliated. And yet she just was there for me and understood me and cared for me.

We spend the next few weeks with her basically living at my apartment. Summer vacation just started so neither of us had anything to do and I was really really thankful for her keeping my mind off of it.

We cooked every dinner together, something my ex and I never did, and cooked a lot of ‘exotic’ recipes that we both really loved.

All the while my phone was blowing up with messages from a few persons now who all told me to kill myself. But I threw it in a corner on the first message and didn’t look at it until a few weeks down the line.

Anyways, after 2 weeks the sister, we’ll call her Ruby now as I’m getting sick of typing that out, tells me that I should end it and start a new page now. I agree and she offers to back me up, but I wanted to do it alone. I drive up to my ex’s parents’ house and just tell her flat that we’re done and I never want to see her again.

I went on to spend some fantastic summer vacation with Ruby in another country with prepaid phones and as soon as we came back moved to another city and threw our old lives away.

She was later disowned by her parents to which she sent a letter with printed out screenshots of conversations between her and her sister where my ex tells her that she’s at that location. My ex is disowned as well and they beg Ruby to come back but she refused because she felt that if her parents would disown her so readily it wasn’t really her parents.”

2 points - Liked by Okkaren and dawo1

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Okkaren 3 years ago
Wow. What in the HELL was that?? Was your ex just super gaslighting then trying to "gotcha?" Worst plan ever, planning a cheat coup at the SAME TIME you're getting a train. I don't kink or slut shame, but that....that was so convoluted and you did not deserve that confusion. She literally caused all the things. Wow.
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23. Thought Partner's Dad Was The Cool Parent But I Was Wrong


“Not me, but ex’s parents were divorced, she and her extended family never talked about it. Met her mom and dad separately, dad was this ex-navy, retired cop-turned touring musician. Rode a Harley, owned a small woodshop and made his own furniture, traveled a lot, and smoked a lot. Came off as super interesting and surprisingly laid back, given what I knew of his past. Mom was hyper-Catholic, always worried the daughters were living in sin, ‘chastity cameras’ in the house, giving her daughters’ partner books about finding God and lecturing us on how we were bad influences and should just be ‘promise-friends’ with her daughters unless we were planning on getting married.

Daughters’ partners always thought dad was the ‘cool’ one. We were wrong.

Got the story one day from an aunt at a family gathering. Turns out, mom and dad had this happy, nuclear family until dad starts to kind of like the woman in the house directly across the street. Befriends husband of said woman. They go on fishing trips, become buds, bike across the country. He then starts an affair with his friend’s wife.

Friend and mom find out, deliver ultimatums. Dad and his friend’s wife decide they can’t live without each other, both file for divorce, and dad moves in across the street from his previous family. This arrangement continued for almost 10 years until dad and woman #2 divorced. Mom never moved, aunt says it’s because she didn’t want to forget who to hate. Dad actually goes to mom and asks to move back in when he divorces woman #2.

Mom tells him to go away.

Ex never talked about it because she was super torn on how to feel about her parents. Always looked up to her dad growing up when she was too young to know what he did to her mom. Dad still wants a relationship with kids, but mom hates him in no uncertain terms and was the one to raise the kids for most of their lives.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

22. Wife Used Our Money To Fund An Apartment She Shares With Her Other Man


“I was sent on my first year-long deployment to Iraq on Nov 03′. I had married my high school sweetheart the month before I shipped out.

Around August of ’04, I noticed large chunks of money begin to get withdrawn from our joint bank account (I know, I was an idiot, and naive as hell). Around this time I also noticed a change in her when I would call home.

She would either be really talkative and happy (yet vague in a lot of what she would say), or really sad. Then I began having issues getting a hold of her at all. My friends and folks had also begun acting funny when I would call, and I started to get the feeling something was wrong.

In a series of events that was its own horror story of terrible leadership and poor communication, word filter from home, to my command, to me, that my wife had begun seeing someone else.

After confronting her over the phone she finally came clean: She had begun seeing an ex from some time ago, and he had gotten her into the world of drugs. The missing money had been used to fuel their habit and to pay for an apartment they shared.

When I returned home in Oct ’04 I had pretty much-lost hope of anything. I think back to that time and believe hate was the only thing that kept me living.

I hated her, but I loved her so much. But for him, that’s where the focus of my anger went. I had even gone so far as to plan out how I would get my revenge from him, the perfect crime (that of course was probably riddled with errors and would have gotten me on some crime show). But he beat me to murder. In December of that year, I woke up to the news that he had committed a despicable crime. At the time those in the law enforcement community called it the most gruesome crime scene in town history. He also went on to try and harm a guard while serving his 22-year sentence, so it’s safe to assume he will never be getting out.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

21. Partner Locked Herself With Her Side Guy In A Yacht Club


“Partner of four years asked me to help her sick mother one night but decided to do it herself. When midnight rolls around she’s still not home. Ignores my calls and texts ‘call you in 5.’ Another half-hour and a few ignored calls later, I decide to go to her mom’s to make sure all is ok….though very confident she wasn’t there.

I see her car along the beach on my way to her mom’s.

Pullover. She’s not in it. I take the dog out and start walking along the beach. (She claims to go there to be alone sometimes.) As I’m walking I see a silhouette of two people in each other’s arms, making out on a pier.

One of the silhouettes is very familiar.

I walk to them, without saying anything. When I turn on to the pier, she panics, grabs his hand, and pulls him into a yacht club.

Somehow she had a key. I yelled her name as she was unlocking the door, but she slammed it behind them. I tried to open it but stayed very calm. No crazy scene from me. Asked them to come out. Nothing. Said a few more things, but they pretended not to hear. Eventually, I left.

She called at around 3 am and denied everything. I SAW HER but she said she wasn’t there, etc.

I asked her to give me space to move out, but she showed up, still trying to deny it.

When she finally told the truth, she immediately shifted the blame to me. Said I made her cheat. Told everyone I was emotionally abusive.

The kicker to me is, the day before this I had attempted an earnest talk about the state of our relationship where she assured me that she loved me and would never cheat. I had found postcards (POSTCARDS!) that another guy was sending her. No idea if it was the same one or not.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

20. Caught My Girl Locking Herself In The Toilet To Text Her Side Guy


“We both had ‘remote messages’ installed on our jailbroken phones. It was handy for when we were studying, you can read and send messages from your browser so you don’t have to pick up your phone and get distracted.

After University we moved back home and one night I was just sitting on the sofa with my laptop. I was bored and typed ‘1’ into my browser and the history showed the remote messages IP address.

I hadn’t used it in a while and just pressed enter, then enter again to log in.

It wasn’t my phone. What I was met with, in real-time, was my girl texting someone ‘I just feel so guilty, it’s not right I don’t know what to do. I do really like you’ etc etc. WHAT!?

I just froze, I panicked and ran upstairs where she was locked in the toilet and just said ‘who the heck are you texting?’.


I opened the lock and then the door and she’s sitting there with the toilet seat closed with her phone in her hand looking like a deer in the headlights. She was busted, I didn’t know what was going on and I just said over and over and over ‘who are you texting?’. It got to the point where she knew there was nothing she could do and I just snatched the phone out of her hands and dialed the number.

It was Dale, my oldest and dearest friend up until that point.

Long story short. We broke up, she carried on seeing him but he was a heavy drug user (you can imagine the aggression). It only took 2 weeks until she phoned me from a hospital in Bangkok. They’d gone on holiday and without access to his drugs he lost his mind. He beat her up quite badly and trashed the hotel room.

All I could say was ‘you’re an idiot.’ I got her on the next flight home, not because I wanted to see but just to get her out of there.

She went back to her parent’s house and I had considered going to see her but I really didn’t want to just go and tell her how dumb she was really.

Dale turned up that night all drugged up off his head and chased her around the house with a kitchen knife after kicking in her door.

Luckily she was with a friend and she phoned the police. He got arrested, she got a restraining order. I went round there eventually and found his drugs in the bushes. A nice big bag of it.

We were together for 6 years. I worked for her dad at the time so I lost an awful lot because of her dumb choice. Friends, significant other, family, and my job all gone in a week.

Last I heard she’s had a baby with someone but she ghosted everyone she knew so no one really knows.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

19. Fiancé Was Wrong For Handing Me His Work Phone


“My fiancé was working away and was mean to be texting when on his way home so I could make sure tea was on etc. I hadn’t heard from him so was getting worried. He finally turned up around 2 hours later than he had estimated being back so we went to McDonald’s for tea. Whilst driving to McDonald’s he passed me his work phone asking me to message one of his colleagues about the meeting they had had earlier that day, as I was doing this a message came through from one of the PA’s who he had been caught sending inappropriate messages and photos to previously.

Turns out he had called her on his way back to tell her all about how he had missed her whilst working away and couldn’t wait to see her etc- in fact, he was so wrapped up in that he forgot to call me.

I moved out to my parents whilst we sorted canceling our very near wedding and what we were going to do with the mortgage.

I had the iPad at their house to use as a tv in the short term- 3 days after I moved out I saw a message (his iPhone was connected to the iPad! to another friend arranging for this new girl and him to meet them for dinner ‘once she had got out the shower’. 3 days after I had moved out, still paying half the mortgage and he had her in the house!!! It took a few days of him lying through his teeth but he finally admitted cheating although still maintains he ‘didn’t mean to’!!! I broke up with him and the patch of depression and anxiety I was going through lifted instantly- I got my life and myself back within around 4 weeks, it was like magic! You never realize how damaging a bad relationship is whilst you’re in it do you! I was too scared to leave him and be on my own for around 2 years whilst he was treating me badly- I only wish now I had been brave enough to walk away sooner! Now I’ve got a great life with an amazing man and our little boy. A happy cheating story!!”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

18. Caught My Cheating Partner While I Was Mourning My Dad's Passing


“My ex and I were together in uni days. She was a model, and a cute one at that, so deep inside you know dudes will be trying stuff. 1 year or so into the relationship my dad passed away, he lived in another town (my hometown). We both decide to go there for a week or so since I was the one who had to arrange his funeral…

We were there before since we’d spend some summer weekends with my friends. I was a wreck, each night just stoned off my butt so that I could sleep.

Third or fourth night in, I awake in the middle of the night, all confused and shook from a nightmare. The curious thing was- she wasn’t in the bed.  Must have been around 3 AM. Couldn’t fall back to sleep, staring at the ceiling.

She creeps back into the house around 4 AM. Comes back to bed. It was in the middle of December, so it was cold outside. So was her skin when she touched me. Strange I think since she wasn’t a smoker or anything. Confronted her the day after, she denies it and tells me it was probably a dream or my imagination. If it wasn’t for the cold touch I would maybe even believed her since I was in a bad place then.

So the evening before we left she took my dog for a walk and left her iPhone at home charging (thank Jeebus for bad batteries, eh?). A text flies in, it was from one of my friends wishing her safe travel and what caught my attention was the little star at the end, a kiss? Broke all the trust rules and unlocked the phone to see texts going back to that summer we spent at his house.

Some pictures were sent, some inappropriate. Anyhow, recent call history cleared up where and who she was with that night when I awoke. I confronted her again, she denied it, told her I know about the texts, etc.. she snaps and starts yelling at me how did I dare to look at her phone. A messy break-up followed. Lost three people that week. 1/10 wouldn’t repeat again.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

17. Partner Left Me For A Man Who Gives Her Digital Gifts


“Me and the ex used to be huge gamers. Well, she still is. I gave it up. We were big into Final Fantasy 14. An MMO. She wanted to move to another, warmer, province. I said no, not until we had control of our debt.

I took on a second job and paid off $20,000 in 7 months. Working hard towards giving her what she wanted.

Well, $2000 away from the goal I am sitting in bed reading a book.

I look up at the tv and see a DM from her gamer friend. ‘I’m going to miss you XOXOXOXO’. I lost it. Told her she’s not allowed to speak with him anymore and the games were over. She could help contribute to the move and we could move on. At that point, it was an emotional affair and I had been working… a lot. Ignoring her.

I was willing to forgive, quit the second job, and get our relationship back on track.

Well, she left a month later. She picked a stupid fight, took a few thousand out of a joint account, and left. Not before making me believe there was at least some opportunity to work things out. I helped her leave financially and physically. Then, the moment she was all set up, the guy from the game came to visit from California.

So now she’s in a long-distance relationship with an unemployed loser American that literally spends 20 hours a day in that game. Their relationship is based on the way he treats her in their fantasy online life. Basically, of all the crap excuses about ‘ignoring her’ the real reason she left is that I was depressed because of wasting away in an online game while he showered her with digital gifts.

So I quit the game and she still wanted to be fully addicted.

Also, the same girl. Shortly after we had moved to a new city she reconnected with an old guy friend. She went totally silent for 4 hours. Which was really not typical. Then I got to hear all about how amazing his place was. She swears up and down that nothing happened. Honestly, I would have believed her if it was absolute total silence.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

16. Girl Started Being Protective Of Her Phone


“I knew something was up with this one dude as soon as I met him, dunno what it was but I have always been good at knowing these things.

I didn’t think much of it for a while but my girl started getting random texts, pretty late at night, and also just randomly going out with ‘friends’ more often than she would before (she actually would go out with friends sometimes, but like..

so did I so whatever) – still didn’t think too much of it. chose to trust her (tho I did hate a few of her friends, so chose not to hang out with them, which she hated)

We had got in a huge fight and ‘broken up’ for like 5 days (you know what I mean) and we got back together. she started getting texts again right away and she said it was a random dude she hooked up with and that we ‘weren’t together’ so it didn’t matter.

She said she would make him go away and that would be that.

I was super hurt, but FINE. it was worth it in my head.

A week or so went by and she was sleeping in my bed and it was like 5 am and someone texted her. I still had a feeling something was up, and I’ve honestly never done this another time, but I read the text, and like 2 months of previous ones because apparently, I’m a masochist.

It turns out she had been cheating on me with this dude she worked with, the one I had met before.

The thing that really g hurt, is I realized they had hooked up the day we got ‘back together’ — and not long before. in fact I’m pretty sure she didn’t even shower in between being with that dude, and being with me. UGH.

Anyway. People are messed up. I really loved that girl and have had trust issues ever since. Also if ur spouse is all cagey about their phone, be worried.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

15. Ex Has A Career As An Escort


“My ex was, unbeknownst to myself, a bit of a town bike. She worked at a popular bar in town but we met elsewhere. I worked security at festivals, doing long hours to make sure we could move in together and be comfortable. Found out that she’d gone to a Swingers meet in town and let some 50-year-old dude spank her whilst she was tied up to a wall.

I found out because I saw the bruises all over her legs and backside. I was too weak to end it there, and somehow we worked things out.

Two years down the line found out she’d been a Chaturbate cam girl and that she was actually on the brink of starting an escort career. A close friend sent me a screenshot of her account on some escorting site and the absolute sickening feeling I felt in the pit of my stomach was so bad, that I spent the entire night shaking profusely in bed.

I’d just come back from my grandma’s funeral (that I’d painstakingly organized myself with absolutely no financial support or family help), and I realized that life was too short for this crap. I got rid and she tried dragging my name through the dirt. She actually opened herself up to a nasty hacking job by persons still unknown to me, and her entire family found out about the fact she was selling her body behind my back. I’m now happier than I’ve ever been with my soulmate, who I met after getting over the woes of my previous relationship.”

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14. Ruined My Partner's Perfectly-Plotted Plans With Her Other Man


“She was planning to meet this guy from halfway across the globe that she’d been in love with since before she started going out with her ex. This happened over Google chat, and she didn’t know that the chat history got saved automatically.

He was going to come on a business trip to a neighboring country. The plan was, she would tell me that she’s going to visit her sick dad who lives there.

But instead of doing that, she would meet with this dude and get a hotel room so he can ‘hook up with her and screw her brains out’ (and many other colorful images) for 2 days straight, and then she’d come back to me.

I found these chat logs a couple of weeks before this was supposed to happen and confronted her about it, but I wanted her to be the one to tell me.

So when we got home from work, she asked me why I was acting strange and awkward. I said ‘there’s something you’ve been hiding from me, and I want you to know that I know. I’d like you to admit to it so we can talk about it.’ She played dumb until the very end even though I made it perfectly clear that I wasn’t bluffing until I showed her the printed-out pages of their conversations for the past couple of months.

When it was her turn to talk, she said ‘okay. So now what?’ I actually forgave her. (I know, I know.) She didn’t go to her romp, and honestly, I didn’t think she would have; I think she just enjoyed the fantasy.

About a month later we decided to split because we simply couldn’t give each other what we wanted and were bringing each other down. It was quite amicable, we split our possessions in half in a way that we were both satisfied and that was it. Soon after, she moved to another town and I haven’t seen her since.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

13. Partner Suffered From "Bored Housewife Syndrome"


“So it was over Christmas break. My partner was still in college. She had gone home to visit her parents. I’m just a tiny bit clairvoyant, and I got that sinking feeling she was with someone else. I called my parents to talk about it. They were like ‘No way, she would never do that to you. You’re nuts.’

I eventually confronted her about it. She denied it and said I must be the one cheating if I’m insecure about the possibility of her cheating.

I’ve honestly never cheated on anyone like I don’t think I am capable of that even.

A few months go by. We had been together for about 4 years. I was seriously thinking of proposing to her officially, with a ring. She had already proposed to me, unofficially, a couple of years back, without a ring. Then one day she said, ‘Stop introducing me as your fiance.’ Should have been a raging clue.

One day my ‘friend’ from Dallas calls me up. Said he needed a place to stay in Austin for a day or two. I offer up my couch. He gets there in the evening. The next morning, I’m leaving for work, and my girl is dressed in nothing but panties. She gives me this messed up look like: ‘Why are you trusting me alone with your friend?’ As if my trusting her was somehow me not caring.

So I go to work that day, and all-day my co-workers are like ‘She’s probably banging your friend right now, dude!’ Ha-ha. Yeah, right. The dude was fat, hairy, greasy, all-around nasty. Your basic ‘Can I borrow everything?’ wook.

So he leaves a few days later. Then one of my other friends on Facebook is like ‘(Friend who stayed with me) has been bragging that he banged your girl while you were at work.

Just wanted to let you know.’ I’m still in denial.

Then one day a few weeks later, she gets a call on her cell and runs into the bathroom to talk to whoever called. I couldn’t overhear much of the conversation other than ‘I’m glad you called’. Later, I get suspicious, so I look on her phone to see who it was. It was my friend who stayed with us.

A few months later, she finally comes clean to me about cheating but told me it was one of her exes and not a friend of mine. Took her months of therapy to finally work up the courage to admit that much. She suffered from bored housewife syndrome. Apparently, I wasn’t sycophantic enough to feed her narcissism. So she had reached out to a bunch of men on Facebook and basically hooked up with the first desperate loser who answered her call.

I confronted him and he said, ‘Dude, that girl has been cheating on you with a bunch of people for at least a year or two.’ So my original ‘sinking feeling’ was probably correct. I was pretty torn up about it for a while, but now I’m happy to be rid of that parasite. That relationship was crapand took me far away from who I truly am.

I’m very standoffish about making a similar mistake now, and have been single for quite some time… but I’ve learned to be happy about that. I appreciate all the possibilities of being unfettered, even if it’s mostly boring and lonely.

I don’t speak to her or any of the people on her side, especially anyone I suspect her of cheating with unless they are on my side about her. Good to cut toxic backstabbers out of your life.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

12. Found A Man Hiding In My Girl's Closet


“Had an argument with my ex that ended pretty abruptly at 11 pm at night. She would usually keep arguments going late into the early morning. This was all via phone. I had a hunch she was cheating on me but I wasn’t so sure. I decided to drive to her place early morning to sort out the situation. I had a key to her place so I just let myself in and went to her bedroom.

Locked. Knock on the door and tell her to open it, she says something like ‘I’m not feeling well hold on’. Probably takes about 3 minutes for her to actually open it while I’m outside well aware of what’s about to happen. She opens the door and B-lines it to the kitchen to keep me away from her room.

I ignore her and go into the room.

The closet door is shut for the first time. I open it and get immediate push back. I get it open and feel around (it was pitch black, could not see anything), I feel a dude’s hands. I tell him to get up and turn around to go yell at my ex. I turn around to see whoever this jerk is. Oh… it’s my friend. I have a quick freak out.

She runs and hides in her sister’s room (they were roommates). I kick the locked door open and yell. Realized it doesn’t do anything and just left after that. He tried to play it off to everyone that they didn’t hook up because he didn’t want to lose all his friends. I ended up being super nice to my ex until I got her to confess everything so my friends wouldn’t believe that BS. She started going out with a new guy one week later, I told the new guy what happened the week before out of courtesy and a see you never to her. They are engaged now. Good luck homeboy.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

11. Best Friend Slept With My Man In My Bed On My Birthday


“I had only been with my partner for a year but we had been friends for 5 years and I had always had a crush on him so when we finally got into a relationship I felt like I was already in love.

My lifelong best friend had just rented a 2 bedroom apartment with her man and she offered to rent me her spare room. I wanted to move out of my parents’ house so I moved in with her (my man did not live with us but he would spend every weekend with us).

Living with my best friend was fun at first but after a while, it started to get overwhelming. She was always wanting to talk and hang out – I had no personal space and no time be to alone with my man. She and her partner fought ALOT and I would often end up in the middle of it with her wanting me to defend her or choose sides.

I started to notice that when my man would come over my friend would act flirty with him and get even meaner to her partner.

One Friday morning I decided that I needed to get away from that environment for a little bit so I went home to my parents’ house for the weekend. My partner and I had made plans to meet up at my apartment on Sunday afternoon (which was my birthday).

On Sunday around 10 am I walked into my apartment to see my man sleeping on the couch which I thought was odd because he wasn’t supposed to be there until much later that day. There were empty alcohol bottles and old pizza boxes everywhere – the place was a mess and it was obvious that people had been partying the night before.

My friend’s partner was not home and I didn’t see my friend either…until I walked into my room.

My friend was naked passed out in my bed. I woke her up and asked her what was going on….she told me that she and her partner had been drinking the night before and got into a huge fight so she went and slept in my bed. I asked her how long my man had been there and she acted as though she didn’t know he was there and said ‘he must have shown up early this morning.’

The situation felt fishy to me but I trusted my best friend because she was like a sister to me and we went on with our day.

Throughout the day my friend was acting very strange….there was tension in the air…she was acting jealous when my man would show me affection. At one point my man and I went into my room for a minute to talk and have some privacy…she barged into my bedroom and said to my partner ‘you know when you come to visit you are not just here to see TallPinePhoenix you are here to see me too’!

At this point, all of my senses were telling me that something was seriously off so I turned to my partner and asked ‘Did you hook up with her last night?’ He got up, walked out of the room, put on his shoes, walked out of the apartment …when I started to follow him he ran..he literally ran away from me without saying a word.

At this point, my friend’s partner was just getting home. I turned to my ‘friend’ and said, ‘Did you hook up with my man?’ She started to cry and a wave of emotion washed over me.

I immediately went to physically attack her but her partner got in between us. I just kept yelling ‘she hooked up with (my partner’s name)’. I was so shaken up I didn’t know what to do so I called my mom and she came with my stepdad to pick me and all of my belongings up within an hour.

Unfortunately, I did end up staying with that for another 6 months until he cheated on me again and I dumped him for good. I never ever saw that friend again. Within recent years she reached out to me on social media and apologized – I forgive her but would never trust her or let her back into my life again.

This situation caused me A LOT of pain and trust issues for many years until I was able to go to therapy.

The worst part about this whole thing is that a week or 2 previous to this happening my friend’s partner had hit on me once while my friend was at work. I immediately turned him down and told my friend. …guess that loyalty didn’t run both ways.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

10. Friend's Fiancé Has Lots Of Secrets That Need To Be Unfolded


“So my friend and her man were together for 5 years and recently bought this huge apartment together. All of our friends helped them moving. A few weeks after moving in the proposed, they threw a huge party, we all were invited. A few weeks after this I met her at a birthday party for another friend and we went outside to smoke. Her fiancé calls and she puts her phone on speaker because it was so damn loud.

Turns out he butt-dialed her while he was hooking up with another girl and I witnessed the whole thing. Fast forward a week later I caught up with her, asked her how she’s been since that night and she told me that she forgave him and he booked a trip to Amsterdam for the both of them where they allegedly worked things out.

Another two weeks later he went on vacation with his dad and my friend stayed at home, they received some letter about some debts she didn’t know about and since her fiancé‘s mother was working some kind of job that was about finances she wanted to call her to see if she could help.

Her fiancé‘s dad picked up the phone and she was shocked. Turns out her fiancé was on vacation with the girl he cheated with. When he got home he immediately broke up with her because he decided he didn’t love her anymore and that was it. Or so we thought. A few days after that he contacted me on Facebook and proceeded to tell me how bad he wanted me since she introduced us and since they broke up he was finally able to tell me and wanted to ask me out on. Needless to say that I called him a ton of creative insults and warned every female I knew about him. Nowadays she’s seeing someone else and he’s begging her to get back with him. Karma‘s only a witch if you are, Julian.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

9. Mom Tried To Convince Me That It Was All Just A Dream


“I was 10-12 years old. My dad had a drinking problem. Once, he came home drunk again. I didn’t let him in because of that. He had to go to his grandparents then. Later that evening, my mom says that it was nice that I didn’t open the door to him.
In the middle of the night, I wake up for some reason and walk to the couch(we had a one-bedroom apartment and I slept literally a half a meter away).

I’m very sleepy, putting my hand on where my mom is supposed to sleep and feel someone’s back. My mom puts her hand on it and touches mine. Then asks, ‘who is there?!’ I start asking something like if my dad has returned (I was thinking that was him at the moment). The dude jumps up, goes to the entrance room, starts putting on his pants.

My mom abruptly tells me to go to bed and goes there. Whispers something to him and releases him. In the morning, I wake up and realize what had happened. My mom’s already at work. I’m not sure if I called/SMSed her about that, but I remember she and her friend was trying to convince me that was a dream. Well, that dream was too realistic and I say I’ll tell dad.

She begs me not to and, somehow, persuades me to keep it a secret (Probably because I hated my dad and had a closer connection with her).

When I’m 13, my dad is still an alcoholic. I start asking my mom to divorce him. She applies for a divorce. Once, I don’t let him in again and he goes to my great-great-grandfather again. A week later, the telephone rings and my mom picks up.

During the conversation, she starts sobbing. That was my dad’s sister telling her he died. Turns out he mistaken a bottle of antifreeze for a beer bottle. Although I used to always hate him for being cruel to me, I had a harsh breakdown when I saw his pale corpse at the funerals. I kinda regretted I haven’t told him. I told my great-great grandfather but he was forgiving.

All these stories sound awful and concerning. Honestly, I’d be unable to forgive an affair behind my back. I’d never trust my partner again. However, I believe my significant other is not the cheating type. She can’t even think of real people with who she’s not in love during her private time. I’m looking to a great betrayal-less future with her. If you truly value someone, you’ll never betray them.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

8. Left My Ex's Stuff Outside During A Thunderstorm


“Years ago I was seeing this girl, she actually lived with my parents and me. We were together for almost 3 years. I had a feeling that something was off and had been for a few months but just ignored it. Finally, I had enough and while she was getting a shower I looked through her phone. I found texts from the guy, a good friend of hers, who she had been hooking up with on and off for 4 months at least, and another friend of hers who she had been confiding in the whole time about it.

I busted open the bathroom door yelling, asking what the hell was going in, etc. She and I came to the bedroom and said they only ‘hooked up’. When I asked for clarification on what that meant she wouldn’t say. So I kicked her out.

A day or 2 went by and I calmed down and, like an idiot, wanted to work things out. I called and text her and she supposedly felt the same way.

So we made plans to hang out the next night and talk things through. 5…6….7…8 PM rolls around and she is nowhere to be found. I contact her and she says ‘well I’m at a party so I won’t be over’. I have hurt again beyond all words. Then a friend of mine reminded me what I said if I found out she was cheating and asked why was I being a jerk about it? I preceded to grab all of her things; clothes, purses, shoes, makeup, furniture, etc. And put it out on the porch, during a terrible thunderstorm. Took a pic of it and sent it to her. Told her if she wants her stuff to pick it up before garbage day. 10 years later she will randomly message me out of the blue about her life. I left her on “unread.” Forget you, Melinda.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

7. Aunt's Ex Was Having An Affair With A Man


“Not me, but my aunt. She lived in AZ really close to our family with her son and husband. Her ex was terrible at saving money but had a good job so it didn’t seem to matter. He said he had a better job opportunity in Utah, so they moved. But he went first for about 3 weeks to get their new house situated and to train for his job.

My aunt moved out, and we went to visit a few months later. My mom and I could tell something was wrong and one night she broke down saying that she kept finding hidden receipts, that they were fighting all the time, and she woke up frequently to him checking her phone in the middle of the night (all telltale signs he was cheating and paranoid).

We went out to lunch with one of their guy friends who seemed really cool. He was gay. We didn’t think anything of it.

Until a couple of weeks later, I guess their friend felt bad finally after meeting her entire family and told my aunt that while her ex was in Utah alone, they started an affair. My aunt’s ex was having an affair with a man.

And apparently, he’d been doing it with a lot of other people, too. So my aunt got divorced, was in debt because of all the stuff he bought, and had to use all her saving to pay it all off. Now she still struggles to make ends meet, but she’s happier. He brought her down a lot, and it’s nice to see my bright, happy aunt again.

What’s so crappy is we met all of their friends. One of them even took me horseback riding. They all knew what her ex did (before she did), and chose to stay friends with him and basically shun my aunt (except for their gay friend).”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

6. Found Out I Was The Side Chick Three Months Into The Relationship


“Back when I was about 19 years old (29 now) I was hanging with a group of friends and saw this guy who we all knew but haven’t seen for ages. He and I get to talking, exchanged MSN (yeah..good old days), and continued talking on there in the days that followed. He told me he liked me…and I liked him in return. BUT…he was in a relationship.

He said it wasn’t going well between him and her and was about to break up with her. He said he had done so a couple of days after and wanted to start going out with me. I accepted.

That was a big mistake.

It started out ok, but when I posted a picture of him and me together on the internet (not Facebook, another page that is not in use anymore now) his ‘ex’ started to ask where this was and why I was with her man.

I responded that it was my man and that it didn’t matter?

She said it was her man still, I didn’t believe her, contacted my group of friends, they started to interrogate my partner, he denied it all. Said he was all for me. These friends kept warning me though about him and how his MSN name kept changing to blahblah [insert ex name here] but that he would log-off, change the name, and log back on whenever I got online.

I wouldn’t listen (WISH I DID).

Then, about a week before my birthday, he and I hooked up. And right after that, he started to act weird. He went home, and I didn’t hear from him for a long time. After about 4 days he said he got grounded but he would be there at my birthday party. I even asked my parents if he was allowed to sleep over.

He was. My birthday party evening arrived, he was not there at the expected time. He even texted me that he was on the way, but would be a bit later and that he wasn’t sure how late he would arrive. I waited for hours on him, tried to call him but got no answer. Tried text, no reply. Then just texted him something lame like ‘it was AWESOME that you were here, really, thank you so much!’ being all sarcastic.

He never replied.

The next day it was officially my birthday and I wanted to ask him what the heck was going on, even wanted to drop by to talk. I still couldn’t reach him. Called his house phone, his dad answered, said he wasn’t there. So he wasn’t grounded then? Nope. So I texted him, told him whatever we had was over now. That I didn’t want him to ever contact me again.

That evening, his ‘ex’ called. Asked me what the hell was going on. Said she and him were still together. So I told her everything. Told her how he played me (and her) and that we have been intimate, that if I were her, I would break up.

This was all after only 3 months of the relationship. And to this day, I refuse to speak out his name. He doesn’t deserve the attention.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

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Okkaren 3 years ago (Edited)
My comment is May 27, 2021. My ex-friend and I had been friends, I thought besties, since 2005, with a couple years non-contact in the middle because of life. 2019 we reconnected and he was crushing on me haaaard, we hooked up. I went to add him on FB and his relationship status was "In a relationship with ________," his latest photo, posted after we hooked up, was gf and him. His cover photo was GF and him. He flat-out lied to me, stating they were broken up but keeping up appearances for family. That was a fucking lie. I eventually forgave him. Found out just last week that he is NOT a good/best friend, I'm just possible tail. He dgaf unless a hookup is in the mix, I was stupid enough to not realize for sixteen freaking years. I might screenshot this to him, in response to the "apology" he sent me today, May 27.
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5. Good Thing I Took A Photo Of His License Plate


“Wife left for work and left her phone at home because she had dropped it in the toilet and couldn’t get it to work. I got the phone dried out and somehow got past the lock screen in the water under the phone screen made my touch inputs really crazy, made me end up in her text messages. I saw a picture of a positive pregnancy test discussion of what kind of medicines she could take to end a pregnancy.

I figured at this point she had been cheating on me for several months, I eventually ‘got over it’ for the sake of the kids. I’m sure it was still going on but I think my mind kind of put it on the back burner because I didn’t really want to pretend any of it was happening.

Abruptly she wanted to move to a new location like a house.

Our lease was coming up and I wanted a little more room for the kids to play and stuff so I thought that was fine, but I suspect the real reason she wanted to move was to get away from our neighbors whom I was pretty close to and would probably tell me if they were strange guests coming over while I was at work. Anyways one day I did come home early and found her cheating on me with a guy.

The car was parked in my driveway I took a picture of the license plate to talk to her about it kind of played it off like whatever went on with my life for another month. Next month her dad comes over unannounced to see the kids on Grandparents Day finds out this guy that she’s cheating on me with is here and he ends up choking her, I get called away from work because the police are at my house for possible assault charges, and I show the police the license plate of the guy that was at my house a month ago they end up getting in contact with him and getting the story.

My father-in-law ended up contacting this guy who was an officer in the Air Force and he ended up losing his family and some of his rank. Naturally, I’m like I really don’t want to break the family apart so I keep putting up with the BS. A couple of months later I find out that she’s giving me an STD (I really mild one luckily), which I can get rid of only to get again a couple of months later.

So yeah, safe to say we’re divorced now we’re still friends in a sense, we don’t really hold any hard feelings towards each other. I’m raising both of the children by myself which is hard but just working with what I got here. I got a great career, kids are total sweethearts, I’m seeing someone else now but I feel like I’ve changed as a person behind all of the emotional abuse. Unfortunately, my adulthood has been a goddamn episode of Maury which is a shame cuz I’m actually a pretty damn normal person.”

1 points - Liked by dawo1

4. Caught My Wife Cheating On Game Night


“What I thought was a very typical Monday evening turned into the worst night of my life. We were gathered together as a family celebrating family night. My son had chosen to share a story about helping others and taught a great lesson for our family home evening. My daughter then insisted we end the evening with a game… We are avid Uno collectors and my daughter chose the Zelda edition out of her love of Princess Zelda.

Our conversation was light and loving and as we played we shared moments from our day and that’s when something unusual happened. I noticed my wife avoiding conversation and looking nervously around the room, avoiding eye contact, and moving slowly each time one of our children began talking about the things they had seen that day. When finally it came to be my turn I looked to my hand and played a plus 4 wild.

I was the first player to go and had played a card each hand and had 2 remaining cards as I watched my wife, still nervous and distant from our conversations, play another wild plus four card in which she followed with a call of ‘Uno.’ At this exact moment, the reality of our marriage, our evening, and our lives together became instantly clear. I’ve never had more clarity in reflection and more feelings of losing my locus of control as the truth came spiraling out in front of me.

I was holding two cards, and my wife was now holding one.

She broke my heart that night, she had cheated not just on me…but on my children, who watched as I passively allowed her to go an additional round to end the game. She didn’t win that night….she lost…she lost my respect, her honor, and the other card which to this day will be denied as missing from the game.

I appreciate those who will read this without judgment of my actions as a husband and father protecting the innocence of my children that night. I am haunted by my decisions in allowing the events to unfold the way they did and my regret may never completely go away. Thank you for listening as I was able to finally find an outlet to get this off my chest. I hope that you all may never suffer in the ways I have and that you read this cautionary tale as a way of gaining wisdom and empathy for those suffering in silence just as I am.”

0 points - Liked by Jektar

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Okkaren 3 years ago (Edited)
This....this was literally about an Uno game? Haunted by your decisions, protecting the innocence of your glad your LDS life is so great you can turn cheating on an Uno game into a deep betrayal travesty. You sound like a charm. Yeah, I bloody know FHE. You're making a mockery of everyone else who posted. I live in Provo, try me.
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3. Caught My Brother On Top Of My Partner In The Basement


“My partner and I lived together with my longtime friend, who rented her place out to us. My brother spent a few weeks crashing with us, he and I have some quality brotherly fun. Sometimes I’d notice he was flirting with my girl a bit, but I brushed it off.

I came home from work early and saw my partner’s car, which was unusual since she was supposed to be at school.

I made my way inside and went down to the basement, our usual hangout. I saw my brother on top of her, kissing down her abdomen.

I stood there for a moment frozen. I instantly felt sick and felt warmth and coldness hit my face at the same time. They noticed me when I had asked them how long that had been going on. My brother jumped up and started freaking out.

He said it was just that once and it just started. My girl was frozen, and as I was telling them that they’ve ruined my life, she inched her way up the stairs and locked herself in the bathroom.

I told my brother to leave and monitored him as he gathered his things. He was very agitated, cursing himself and tossing his things haphazardly. I called my mom to pick him up and told her the story.

He finally left and I found my partner upstairs in the bathtub. She’d badly hurt herself and was emotionally unstable. I screamed at her and condemned her, telling her we’re through. I then sobbed and grabbed onto her. We both held each other and cried. It was horrible and uncomfortable, and I’d never felt more awake and sober.”

0 points - Liked by dawo1

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Okkaren 3 years ago
If you were awake and sober you shouldn't have sat there screaming at someone who just cut herself in the bathroom. Research mental health and self-harm. You could have exacerbated her issues to the point of sui**** after that. Later was a time to talk. Condemning her while she's trying to bleed out...the eff is wrong with you. She messed up, yeah, royally, but THAT moment was the WRONG moment to tell her she's a worthless POS.
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2. Partner Tells Her Other Man That I'm Her Gay Friend


“It was a week AFTER she had broken up with me after we had gone out for two years. She said it was due to falling out of love and stuff along those lines, and I was absolutely heartbroken. I loved that girl so much.

A week later I get a long message from this guy asking if she and I are still friends, that she’s going through a really hard time, and he doesn’t know why? I say no, explained what happened and that we broke up.

He messages back and basically say ‘wait, you two are going out? I thought you were just friends?’ And then tells me the situation.

He tells me that he and she had been seeing each other for many months, behind my back. Nude skype conversations in my room while I’m at work, or on the phone with her. Confessions of love. And other nasty things that I don’t really want to detail.

And that she had been telling him that I and her were just friends, I was secretly gay, and that she was my beard (I’m not, and she wasn’t).

He profusely apologized and told me he had no idea. I messaged her, furious, and let her know I knew everything. She was apologetic but obviously apathetic to the situation. I was never meant to find out about this, and he was never meant to find out that I and her were really together, and I really loved her.

It killed me to find out this information. Knowing what had happened in there, I couldn’t sleep in my bed for a while. About a week after this, she ended up getting with a different guy, unrelated to the first one, so he didn’t exactly get out easy either. The kicker for me is that she was the most bubbly person you’d ever meet, and seemed so nice. I never saw it coming.”

0 points - Liked by dawo1

1. Husband Left Me For A Woman He's Only Been Seeing For 3 Days


“We had just gotten married a week before. It was Valentine’s Day. I had packed up and moved 8 hours to live with him (army) and only been there maybe 2 days. This was almost 15 years ago, so I may be missing some details.

We cooked dinner together and were eating by candlelight. It was our first Valentine’s Day since we only went out for 11 months.

And it was sweet. He gets a phone call and sends it to voicemail. But there was something about the way he looked at the number that called. He said something along the lines that it was a wrong number…but didn’t answer. Then it dings with a msg when his voicemail said his name. We got through dinner and he went to bed and passed out.

(Ended up being a common thing, still not sure what was up with that).

Anyways. Once he’s out I listen to the msg. Yeah, it was wrong of me, but I had just quit my job and used my savings to move to be with this guy. It’s a girl, wishing him a happy Valentine’s Day, and asking why she hasn’t heard from him.

I woke him up and demanded answers.

He said he got with her a month before, BEFORE he decided to marry me, apparently. I made him text her that he was married. She was angry, asked questions, and when she found out he had just gotten married, she called him some very fitting names and said she hopes I knew the kind of man I was with. I did not.

Long ending short, I stayed for 10 years and we have a kid. He continued to cheat the whole time. Some I knew, some not. He kept promising to change, and I was an idiot. He finally ‘left me’ for a crazy coworker who he dated for 3 days. I ended up married to my first partner/friend of multiple decades and couldn’t be happier. “

-1 points (1 vote(s))

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Okkaren 3 years ago
Yeah. You were an idiot. Don't excuse this partner's cheating for a decade, yeah?
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We can't blame them for their initial reaction when they found out about all the lies. That surely hurts! We would love to hear your stories as well. Feel free to drop them in the comments section below. Sign up at to upvote and downvote your favorite stories! (Note: Some stories have been shortened and modified for our audiences.)