The Benefits Of Purslane

It’s hard to believe that summer is coming close to an end. Although we have another month or two of sunshine fun, it’s safe to say that soon enough, we’ll all be packing up our BBQs and patio chairs and storing them away for the fall/winter. The greenery of grass will fade away, and our flower beds and vegetable gardens will also wither away. But, it’s still not too late to give a couple of plants a shot before the end of the season.

A lot of people may already have this plant in their gardens and without knowing the use for it, snip it off and throw it out. The plant in question here is purslane. To be quite honest I didn’t know the benefits of purslane until very recently. I hadn’t heard much about the plant altogether.

The reason you’re advised never to throw away purslane is that it’s so good for your health. This plant is rich in vitamins in so many vitamins such as beta-carotene and vitamin E. Health professionals say that purslane has more vitamin E than even spinach—maybe it’s worth switching over if you’re not a fan of spinach!

If children are fed purslane from childhood, it’s said that it can reduce their risks of developing disorders like ADHD and autism.

There is more than just this weed though that you shouldn’t cut, or get rid of, when it comes to your lawn care. Some more research indicates that it’s safe to keep the following weeds in your garden:

  • Madeira vine
  • Oxalis
  • Chickweed (these are also great to pluck and put in your sandwiches, soups, and salads!)
  • Petty Spurge (just make sure that you don’t make too much contact with this one because it is abrasive on the skin!)

We’re sure there are a ton of others that you can benefit from if you have them in your backyard. If you know of more weeds you shouldn’t pull out, let us know! There is still some time left in the summertime to work on perfecting that garden and reaping all the benefits before the end of the season!

But these are not the only benefits of growing purslane right in your backyard. For more background information on the weed, and why you should eat it more often, watch the video below! And if you found this information at all handy, then don’t forget to like and share this post with family and friends!

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