You’re Folding Your Fitted Sheets All Wrong. This Is How You’re Supposed To Do It!

When it comes to folding the laundry, I am the absolute worst and my mom can attest to this. You see, most of the time, my fresh laundry goes straight into a basket but it stays there until I actually need something from it. Is it a wrinkled mess when I take it out? You bet! But these are the sacrifices I’m willing to make sometimes so that I can maintain my lifestyle (some people call sloth-like but I call it energy efficient).

So when I finally actually do fold something, I just find it incredibly frustrating because I can never seem to get it completely right. I really don’t know how they manage to fold shirts and sweaters so neatly and perfectly symmetrical at clothing stores. And folding a fitted bed sheet? You’ve got to be kidding me…

Dealing with a fitted bed sheet’s elastics has to be one of life’s greatest challenges. I’m pretty sure that there’s an award out there somewhere for the first person in history that can properly fold a fitted sheet. I just don’t see how it’s possible. But wait… what’s that? There’s a tutorial video on how to neatly fold a fitted sheet? Yes, believe or not, someone, who is clearly some kind of genius, has finally cracked the code and decided to share her amazing technique. And it’s surprisingly easy!

Watch this groundbreaking video below and let us know if you give it a shot. And don’t forget to share it with your family and friends and they will forever be in your debt!

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