15-Year-Old Opera Singer Gets Standing Ovation From Judges

“Spain’s Got Talent” is one of those shows, like the entire “Got Talent” franchise, that has people going to showcase their skills to the whole world. In the video down below, a 15-year-old got the opportunity to mesmerize the crowd with her talent on the platform.

The video begins with Arianna Moia introducing herself to the judges, and as usual, before she performs, it cuts to her story. Arianna shares that when she was seven-years-old, she and her mom got into a car accident with a truck that was transporting cement. Although the girl came out fine, her mother was unable to walk again because of a column injury. Arianna shares that she wants to win “Spain’s Got Talent” for her mom because, with the right kind of money, they would be able to afford the treatment that might allow her mom to walk again.  [googelad2]

While most girls that are Arianna’s age would cover a popular pop song or a classic powerhouse, Arianna took everyone by surprise. With the literal voice of an angel, she started to sing opera. Her song of choice was “O Mio Babbino Caro,” a classic and difficult song to nail. 

Judge Jesus looks over to Judge Edurne with a smile on his face when Arianna flawlessly hits a high note, right in the beginning.

Let me be honest with you, usually, it’s easy to describe the way someone is singing, but this young woman manages to capture everyone with her voice. It’s perfect and sweet, but powerful. It looks like the stage is her home as she belts out the notes with passion, moving her hands as she sings.

Edurne stands up a few seconds before the performance ends and remains on her feet until Arianna is finished. Once the teen is done, the audience stands on their feet, as do all four judges. The first judge, Jesus, even stands on the table to give Arianna a high standing ovation.

Her mom is in tears in the back, and Arianna sports a huge smile as she watches the judges cheering for her.

Edurne said that she sang with such a sweetness and delicacy that it was a marvel! Jesus said that he’s sure she can change her mom’s life, but even more, she’ll impact thousands with her voice.

Finally, the last judge says to her to remember them all, the people who gave her four yeses, when she’s performing in the biggest theaters in the world.

To watch Arianna’s angelic performance, click the video down below!

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