Share Asher’s Story So He Can Be The Next OshKosh B’Gosh Kid!

“Children with Down syndrome and other disabilities are incredible human beings, and we want OshKosh to want to help change the world’s perception,” say Meagan Richter Nash. “I would love for OshKosh to meet my son and see what we see in him.” Meagan is talking about her adorable and photogenic son, Asher Nash. Recently, Meagan submitted Asher’s headshots to an “open” casting call. She was surprised at the response she received from the company. It wasn’t an offer for Asher to appear in their ads or even a simple rejection letter; a form letter that anyone who submitted may have received. Instead, Meagan was told by the company that had not “requested a special needs baby”. For whatever reason, they felt that this adorable child wasn’t an appropriate fit to advertise children’s’ clothes. As far as I can tell, he’s charming, delightful, and photogenic. But Asher’s stealing the spotlight, anyway.



16-month-old Asher has Down Syndrome, but Meaghan and plenty of others (myself included) believe very strongly that Down Syndrome shouldn’t interfere at all with his becoming a child model, specifically an Osh Kosh b’Gosh kid. It shouldn’t interfere with his ability to do anything he wants in life for that matter.



“Children with Down syndrome and other disabilities are incredible human beings, and we want OshKosh to want to help change the world’s perception,” Meagan told The Mighty. “I would love for OshKosh to meet my son and see what we see in him.” Don’t worry, the whole world sees just how amazing he is!



Since sharing Asher’s photos on Facebook, Asher has  received over 59,000 likes and 79,000 shares. Recently, Asher’s picture was chosen  to play on the Jumbotron in Times Square before the New York City Buddy Walk. Watch this video for more of Asher’s story. Share for awareness!

Source: The Mighty

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