Do You Have Problems Falling Asleep? THIS Is How To Fall Asleep In Less Than A Minute Every Night!

When it comes to sleeping, there are some people that can fall asleep at the drop of a hat and then there are people like me: every night, I toss and turn, I keep flipping my pillow, and I keep adjusting the blanket because I just can’t fall asleep. It’s the worst, especially when you need to wake up early the next day for something important. And plenty of studies have shown the importance of sleep for our wellbeing and our ability to simply operate. Experts suggest that healthy adults need about eight hours of sleep, although some can get away with as little as six hours. On the flip side, some need as much as ten hours before they can function at peak levels during the day. I know that when I’m sleep deprived, I end up having difficulties focusing and making a lot of silly mistakes.

So what to do? I’ve tried a lot of different things, including sleeping pills but firstly, they can be expensive, and secondly, they’re not something that I want to become dependant on. But check out this video by Dr. Andrew Weill. Dr. Weill teaches us how to using a simple breathing technique to help us calm ourselves. It involves performing cycles of a 4-7-8 breathing pattern, meaning breathing in with your nose for four seconds, holding your breath for seven seconds, and then breathing out forcefully for eight seconds. Dr. Weill refers to this technique as a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system” as your should feel your body releasing tension.

Check out the video below for the detailed step-by-step instructions and let us know if you give this a try! Sleeping is incredibly important for our long-term health so don’t forget to share this with your family and friends.

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