Baby Girl Demonstrates How To Do CPR

Children see children do! Whatever behavior you display in front of your young child, chances are they’ll mirror it. Ever wonder why your kid’s vocabulary suddenly became more colorful after you stub your toe? Or, how they pick up your mobile phone and start to “talk” into it like you do? As a little girl, I loved watching my mom put on makeup, and I’d always look into the mirror and want to do what she does because she always looked so pretty after!

It’s human nature to learn by way of other people. At a young age, it’s how we absorb the world around us, so it’s best to leave a positive example on those younger than us. This video is so heartwarming because this skill may actually come in handy down the road. First aid takes focus and applied learning, so the fact that this little girl was able to watch and learn, is remarkable. I think one day she’ll be a very effective paramedic or doctor. This is just too cute!

This video shows one mom’s baby girl as the star pupil of the first aid class. It all started when mom brought her daughter in with her. While the woman was brushing up on her CPR skills, what she didn’t notice was how her baby girl was picking up the lesson, too. After the class for the adults was done, mom caught her little girl crawling over to the dummy and putting what she learned into action.

The girl is a pro. She approaches the dummy, gives it “chest compressions” and looks to his face and touches his mouth. She resumes the compressions before taking a second to pause and flash the camera a big smile. A few more compressions, then she gets close to the dummy’s face and performs mouth to mouth! This back and forth goes on for a few moments, like she’s done it a hundred times before. Her technique is pretty bang on for a child her age, it’s shocking! This tiny student absorbed so much info in just that one class, mom should be proud, because one day her daughter, no doubt, will go around saving lives too!

Click below to watch this tiny girl save a life. If she can do it, anyone can! How cute is this video?! Tell us what you thought about it in the comments.

Source: ShareTap

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