The Reason This Dog Is Barking At His Dog Bed Will Make You LOL!

Dogs provide us with a lot of things: unconditional love, companionship, warm cuddles, wet kisses, and even entertainment. Every day, my dogs provide me at least one moment of hilarity, and their antics are always guaranteed to make me laugh. One of my dogs gets super excited whenever it starts to rain, and bounces at the door until I let him out to chase the raindrops. My older dog loves to lie on her back in the grass and wiggle her body to make herself slide down a hill on her back. When they play together, something funny always happens. [googlead]

My dogs have games that they like to play, but I’m not sure their games are as funny as the game of peek-a-boo between these two Westies. I suspect that if they do this all of the time that the barking may become a little annoying, but who cares. They are so cute and I could watch this video of them playing for hours! When the little one pokes his little head out, I laugh out loud every time.

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