13 Things You Totally Missed On The Big Bang Theory… Bazinga!

Much of the fun of the show and a large part of the story arc is about Leonard’s infatuation with Penny, who he feels is completely out of his league. Interestingly, Penny, who knows she is gorgeous and can attract most any guy she wants, struggles when she is intimidated by Leonard’s obviously intelligence. But, their chemistry is undeniable and eventually they find common ground to build a drama filled, on again off again relationship.

7. Pay Attention To The Addresses Of The Characters

Wil Wheaton, of ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ fame, is featured on the show, playing himself. In the beginning, he and Sheldon are enemies, but eventually, they become friends. When we see Wil Wheaton’s house on the show, the house number is 1701, a nod to the USS Enterprise on Star Trek. Also, Amy’s apartment number is 314 – which is pi.

8. The Halloween Costume Reference

In one of the episodes, Sheldon and Amy are discussing possible couples’ costumes for Halloween. Amy suggests going as Blossom and Joey, and nod to her starring role on the 90’s sitcom ‘Blossom’. In case you don’t remember the show, Mayim Bialik (Amy) played smart, sassy teenager, Blossom Russo.

Wait, there are more surprises on the next page!


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