13 Things You Totally Missed On The Big Bang Theory… Bazinga!

Leonard and Penny are important characters on the show, but it just wouldn’t be ‘The Big Bang Theory’ without Sheldon Cooper. This hilariously odd and neurotic character is played by Jim Parson’s, and as is pointed out in one particular Christmas episode, Sheldon is the person that brought the group together. Even though he tends to drive them all nuts with his condescending attitude and irritating habits. He’s still my favorite character.

9. ‘Bazinga!’ Has An Interesting Backstory

If you don’t already know, ‘Bazinga’ is the term Sheldon shouts after telling one of his jokes. Some of them are funny, and some of them are well, not. But, Sheldon makes sure you know it’s a joke. ‘Bazinga’ comes from a joke between the writers. They would leave an old grapefruit hidden in the writer’s room and would yell ‘Bazinga!’ when someone opened up the hiding place in discovered it.

10. Sheldon’s Youtube User Name

Sheldon and the guys are all Star Wars fans (aren’t we all?). There’s an episode where Sheldon wakes up to find an embarrassing video of him posted on Youtube. His username is ‘ob1’, which is a reference to Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars.

11. Sheldon’s T-Shirt Choices

Sheldon often wears t-shirts that feature the comic book character The Flash. ‘The Flash’ is also a television show and the characters can be seen wearing ‘The Big Bang Theory’ t-shirts.

Keep reading for more Bazingas.


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