Young Boy Suspiciously Stares At Stranger’s Phone On Subway, Then Woman Hits “Record”

When it comes to our mobile devices, most of us enjoy our privacy, even when we aren’t doing anything secretive. But ironically, we love to peek a glance at others’ screens every now and then, even strangers’. Does this sound like you?

On one New York City subway, the exact incidence occurred when a young boy undoubtedly began to stare at the phone of the stranger sitting next to him, as he was playing a game. But, instead of shielding his phone, sitting elsewhere, or even shrugging off the situation, the man did something that would make his actions go viral on the web.

In the footage of the act, the man playing the game on his phone appears to be completely indulged in his game, earbuds in and all. The boy, just inches away from him, stares at his screen for quite some time. It would seem that the man wouldn’t even acknowledge the boy staring at all. Maybe he would notice from the corner of his eye but not do anything about it. Truthfully, it seems like something I would do to not make the person staring feel like they’re bothering me or being rude.

But, then later into the clip, the man glances up briefly, unplugs his earbuds from his phone, and hands the phone to the boy next to him, so he can give the game a try, too. I was definitely not expecting this! I figured an exchange of smiles or a handshake between the man and boy would have been more likely. I mean, many aren’t fans of having other people touch their phones, especially strangers who may potentially have bad intentions.

However, the man in the video did what he did not for attention or for something in exchange but, simply to be a kind person, realizing that perhaps the reason the boy was staring at his phone was that the game looked like fun. This act put a smile on my face, almost instantly.

Sometimes we forget that sharing is caring, or maybe we are just too caught up in our own lives. Regardless, I wish more people out there would partake in small acts of kindness like this man!

Watch the video below to see it happen for yourself. The clip filmed by another passenger on the subway by the name of Kia Tatiyana Davis.

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