Bus Driver Stands Up For Mother After No One Offers Her A Seat

While there are moments in life that are full of immense joy, riding public transport is not one of them. I am sure we can all attest to the fact that getting on a crowded bus, train, or subway is something we wouldn’t wish upon our very worst enemy. But imagine having to do so while you’ve got a small child in your arms, along with your bags and other items. It sounds unpleasant, to say the least!

So when this mother stepped onto an extremely busy bus one afternoon with her young infant, she was hoping that she would be able to grab an available seat to get some well-deserved rest. Or at best, she would be offered a seat by one of the passengers. Unfortunately, she had no choice but to stand. So, she quietly found her spot, ready to get from point A to B. The bus driver, on the other hand, had something different in mind.

He turned off the engine of the bus and walked over to the woman. He then spoke with the passengers and exclaimed that this mother with her young child deserved a seat and that if anyone could offer her theirs, that would be very much appreciated. With that, several passengers shifted around and offered the woman a seat. Very appreciative, she sat down and was able to relax.

Isn’t this an extraordinary event? Hats off to the wonderful bus driver who took the time to help someone in need!

Watch the CCTV footage below, and if you’ve loved this beautiful story, be sure to like and share it with your friends and family. After all, this act of kindness doesn’t cost a thing.

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