NOBODY Knew Why The Bride Was Crying Uncontrollably. But When You Figure It Out… OMG!

Get a box of tissues ready… 3-ply or better. And maybe grab a sliced onion so you have a seemingly legitimate excuse for the torrent of tears you’re about to generate. What we have here is a wedding story by Tosando, a Japanese music company. It all starts at a wedding reception when the master of ceremonies announces that the father of the bride has a “message” for his daughter. He stands up and quietly walks forward but nobody quite knows what he’s doing. [googlead]I don’t want to spoil what happens so I’ll just let you watch the video. In case you don’t fully understand it, there’s an explanation below the video.

If you aren’t already sobbing, here’s what’s going on… the story is about a widowed father and his daughter on her wedding day. The father’s “message” comes in the form of him playing Pechabel’s Canon on the piano. As it turns out, this song has a very special meaning to the bride. The performance triggers the bride’s memories of her childhood, when she bonded with her mother during piano lessons. Through the flashbacks, we also learn that her father secretly learned how to play that song on the piano just so his daughter could share a special moment with her late mother during her wedding. It’s an incredibly touching moment that she would treasure forever. Now… who put all these onions here?

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