All The Ways Cats Show Their Owners They Love Them

Who doesn’t love a couple of loveable kitty moments, right? Although cats are known to keep to themselves, trust us when we say that they have their ways of getting your attention when needed—especially when it’s their time to show you some love and appreciation.

They may not be able to talk, but kittens have the cutest ways of saying “I love you” and their actions will really warm your heart. But, don’t know exactly when your pet may be saying “I love you”? Not to worry. Enter Cole and Marmalade, two expert cats who will take you through the numerous ways they tell their human owners that they’re special.

For example, ever seen a kitten groom their owner as a way of showing care and affection? Well, tune into the video below and you’ll see that gesture live in action! Or, how about a kitten plopping on the floor and showing off their belly? Cole assures that this is no sign of distress, folks! The next time you see your cat do something similar, take it in a positive stride and feel loved!

We also have to admit that “bunking” may be the most precious thing we’ve seen today; and although scratching up the owner’s chair may sound a bit aggressive, be rest assured that it’s a healthy way for your kitten to establish a sense of ownership! So, don’t be too upset if you see your cat walking around scratching up your furniture because it’s all in the name of love—just your kitten being a bit possessive over you!

But really, we’ve only given you a couple of the many signs to expect from your cat when they want to express their love for their owner!

To check out the full list, hit play on the video below! Share it with your family and friends if you think it’s just purrr-fect!

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