Search Results for: 1

19-Month-Old Twins Dance Along To Dad’s Guitar

Sometimes you just have to drop everything you’re doing to play music and dance. It’s the perfect relief from a stressful day or just a really good outlet to let go of some loose energy! It stimulates movement and blood flow and just feels so …

4-Year-Old Boy Meets Baby Bro For 1st Time

Sibling love is unrivaled. There’s an unbreakable bond you share with your brothers and sisters that no one can take away. That, plus all the memories and years of bonding together to forge such a strong relationship makes the ties all that much stronger. And …

6 Brothers Donate A Total Of 17 Feet Of Hair

As individuals, we sometimes feel as though we aren’t capable of doing grand gestures or things that’ll make a huge difference in the world, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, each and every one of us holds unlimited potential that, if …

10 DIY Hacks To Nail The Whole ‘Parenting’ Thing

If only life came with an instruction manual! So many times we’re left completely indecisive about the smallest of things and it evokes a feeling of anxiety, stress, and down-right uncomfortableness. Having said that, imagine a time when you were unsure of something. It could …

12-Year-Old Girl Asks Her Stepdad To Adopt Her

Fathers are important in everyone’s lives, but it takes someone special to transition from “father” to “dad”. And what better time to make this transition happen than in a form of a gift, on Christmas? Well 12-year-old Alexis did just that to make the holiday …

15 Dads And Their Babies Dance In Sync

Have you seen a room full of dads dancing their hearts out with their infants? Ever thought that there was actually a full dance program dedicated to this routine? Well what you’re about to see in this video is just that, and let us tell you …

4-Year-Old Has Already Read Over 1,000 Books

Do you consider yourself quite the bookworm? Or perhaps you’ve made it one of your goals to start reading more—be it in fiction, non-fiction or even the latest beauty magazine. If so, then you may have someone to compete with… and she’s only four years …