Hero Crossing Guard Saves A Child From The Hands Of A Kidnapper

It’s scary to think that the safety of your child is in jeopardy whenever you’re not around. Parents want to know their children are safe when they’re not around or can’t keep an eye on them. Most people are inherently good, but there are certainly bad apples out there.

In a school or community setting, crossing guards are definitely there to help keep everyone safe, but in general, they are there to help children and adults cross the road safely on the way to school. However, this particular crossing guard acted quickly to help keep a little girl safe from harm and went well beyond the call of duty.

Every day, millions of parents across the country send their precious children off to school. As parents, they will certainly worry a bit for their children’s safety when they are away from home, but it’s certainly not a consuming fear. You send the little ones off into the world, aware that there is some danger, but assuming they will return home safely at the end of the day. Just like every day before.

Unfortunately, on very rare occasions, danger rears its ugly head and a child is put in a threatening position. In this case, it’s up to the child and any responsible adults to jump in and prevent a tragedy.

On this particular day, an 8-year-old girl on a playground was threatened. A woman was attempting to kidnap her and take her away. The little girl recognized the crossing guard and went to the trusted adult asking for help and explaining that the would-be kidnapper was absolutely not her mother.

Together, the diminutive crossing guard and the young child held off the woman until help could arrive. The little girl’s mother and the entire community have recognized the crossing guard as the hero that she is. Without her bravery and quick thinking, this situation may not have had a happy ending. In addition, the little girl knew exactly what to do when she felt threatened. She found an adult and asked for help.

Remember to teach little ones street proofing. Kids need to be aware of their surroundings and know what to do in the case of an emergency. It could save a life!

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