Man Demonstrates How To Make DIY Weed Killer Solution

Although the winter months are slowly creeping up on all of us, some amazing places around the world don’t experience the cold, and snowy, effects of the season. Those who live in the tropics and on the islands, or in states down South, know that there is no snow to worry about, but if there’s something that might always be on your mind, it’s the weeds growing out of your garden.

I love to garden in the spring and summer seasons. I’m all for it and use gardening as an excuse to get in some “me time” as well. It’s relaxing, and there’s a sense of satisfaction that comes out of creating a beautiful pattern of colorful flowers on your front lawn. I look after all the pretty parts of the garden while I send my husband to look after the weeds. I can’t stand them! 

Yes, the weeds that ruin the look and feel of your garden, and the ones that you always try to get rid of. Have you been tried all sorts of store-bought chemicals and weed killers to no avail? Then we encourage you to try the DIY weed killer that we’re introducing to you in the post, below.

Here are the three items you’ll need to make this DIY solution:

  • 1 Gallon Vinegar
  • 2 Cups Epsom Salt
  • 1/4 Cup Dawn Dish Soap

If you don’t have vinegar, you can always substitute it for apple cider vinegar because it will do the job just as well! That’s the best part about vinegar. It is so versatile and there are so many more uses for it outside of the kitchen. It’s definitely great to cook with, but it’s just as useful for your garden.

All you have to do is mix these three ingredients into a bottle and spray those stubborn weeds. Professionals recommend that you spray the weeds with this solution right in the morning after the dew has evaporated. Then, leave weeds alone for the rest of the day and come back to your garden after dinner to see the results! (The weeds will be all gone!)

Give this DIY solution a try and let us know how it went. We’d love to hear the results in the comments below.

Watch the video below for better information and to see how the solution works. If you found this useful, then don’t forget to like and share this post with family and friends.

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