After Seeing Why She Always Bakes Her Eggshells In The Oven, I’m NEVER Throwing Them Out Again!

In case you missed the memo, eggs are easily one of the best sources of inexpensive, high-quality protein. We’re talking super-food territory. So it’s really no wonder that I consume a heck of a lot of this humble food. What do I mean? I’ll have at least two eggs every morning for breakfast… whether they’re sunny side up, scrambled, or soft boiled, I absolutely have to have my delicious and nutritious morning eggs or else the day just won’t feel right. And since they’re so versatile, I might end up using some more eggs as an ingredient in my other meals. Yep, I love eggs. But something that I don’t really think twice about is throwing away the eggshells. And why would I? I mean, what good are eggshells? As it turns out, they’re good for a lot.

TheCrunchyHousewife has shared a video that may very well convince you to never throw away your eggshells ever again. You see, egg shells are made almost entirely of calcium carbonate. Yes, calcium, the mineral found in your body that’s used for the formation of your bones, and to help with bodily functions such as blood clotting and muscle contractions. Consequently, whenever you’re throwing out an eggshell, you’re throwing out a goldmine of the most crucial nutrient for bone health. So what to do? Turn those eggshells into calcium powder that you can easily consume!

Watch the video below to learn how to easily turn your eggshells into calcium powder. A single teaspoon of eggshell calcium powder will give you 1000 to 1500mg of the nutrient, which is about 90% of your daily need! Amazing!

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