Dad Buys Groceries Using Food Stamps. But Watch What The Woman Behind Him Does… UNBELIEVABLE!

A very controversial and video of a heated argument at a Walmart is making the rounds on the internet and it highlights the fact that so many Americans are struggling to make ends meet. Statistics pulled from 2015 show that approximately 45.7 million people receive food stamps in America, as the economy continues to try to recover.

Many people are quick to judge those who have to use food stamps to survive but the truth of the matter is that we rarely know other people’s circumstances. Some people are simply dealt a very poor hand in life… personally, I know someone that did everything “right” in life but an unforeseen sickness in the family forced him to quit his job so that he could take care of his loved ones. During those tough times, he needed some government assistance to help him stay above water.

In the video, a father is paying for his groceries at a Walmart but a woman behind him begins laying into him for using food stamps. The video begins in the middle of the confrontation so it’s not entirely clear how it started.

The father tries to explain that he works 50-60 hours a week to provide for his family but the woman fires back and says that he’s using her money. No matter what the father says, it’s clear that the woman is on a mission to try to publicly humiliate him. She even tries to bring in her supposed level of education and turn it into a political issue. It’s a very ugly display right in front of this man’s children, and it’s very hard to watch.

Warning: the video contains explicit language.

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