
Talented 5-Year-Old Covers Frank Sinatra Hit And It’s Bang On

Everyone knows that one must have a specific tone of singing voice to make it in the jazz business. Anyone with a pop-meant voice can cover a jazz song, and it will sound good, but never as great as someone who was meant to sing jazz like Michael Buble or Frank Sinatra. There’s a certain quality of voice needed to deliver a low and raspy, jazzy sound. Not just anyone can pull it off. I know I certainly can’t!  In today’s video, we bring you a 5-year-old girl, Sophie Fatu, who has that voice.

In the viral video, instead of covering the latest pop hit that plays endlessly on the radio, she covers a classic Frank Sinatra song (who actually covered the song too but made it so famous that most people think it’s his).

She sings the beautiful song Fly Me to the Moon—originally written by Bart Howar—and she sings it like a pro. But what else would you expect from a 5-year-old who likes not only jazz but good jazz?

Sophie, with all of her adorableness, gets in front of a microphone in a recording studio, and as the track starts playing behind her, she gives the camera a thumbs up and a smile. You can’t help but already like this kid. She oozes star quality without being over the top or obnoxious. She feels genuine especially when she gears up to get ready to sing, because the second she starts, your heart melts! Throughout the whole cover, she’s either dancing along or smiling as she belts the notes into the microphone, clearly in love with using her voice to express herself.

What’s amazing everyone on the Internet (and me) is how effortless she looks singing the whole thing. total natural. It’s like she’s been singing since she was in utero! And how that’s she’s a tiny adult, she’s got the rest of us wrapped around her finger. Sophie knows how to use her pipes and reaches the high notes like they’re nothing! She’s obviously got that specific voice needed to become a famous jazz singer someday! Or now—you never know, right?

If you want to hear Sophie cover the song, and allow this sweetness to reach your ears, then watch the video down below!

Let us know what your thoughts were on the young girl in the comments! See you there.

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