He Keeps A Tea Bag Inside His Car For One GENIUS Reason That Very Few People Know!

I love tea but I’m guilty of having boxes and boxes of the stuff sitting in my kitchen cabinets for ages. I do drink tea fairly regularly but there are just so many types and flavours, so can you really blame me for always wanting to buy more? Well, if you also have a surplus of teabags or heck, even if you don’t, I’ve got a wonderful life hack thanks to The One Pot Chef. [googlead]Apparently, tea bags can be used for more than just making a delicious beverage. Tea bags can also be used as a natural air freshener for your car, deodorizing nearby funk, while giving off a much more pleasant odour! And according to The One Pot Chef, tea bags will last for months! No more need to buy expensive air fresheners that only last a few weeks.

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