21 Things In The House That People Have Been Using Wrong

We often take for granted in our daily lives that things just “work”. We don’t even notice most things until they break or stop working. This also means that since we don’t pay much attention to the things that we are using, we fail to notice simple design details that were put there by the creator to make our lives much easier. Here are more of those thoughtful designs:

13. Chinese Take Out Containers Double As Plates

I’ve definitely never thought to do this before, but if you open up the container from your Chinese take-out and lay it flat, it works perfectly as a plate. Chopsticks come with the meal, so you don’t need anything extra!

14. The Drawer Under Your Oven Isn’t Storage

The drawer under my oven is currently full of cookie sheets and baking pans. But, this isn’t its intended purpose. After food is cooked, place it in the drawer to keep food warm without drying it out.

15. Get A Perfect Piece Of Toblerone. Every. Single. Time.

If you try to pull the segments of a Toblerone bar apart, you can end up with messy pieces. Push the piece towards the bar and get a perfect segment of tasty chocolate.

Believe it or not, we have even more awesome tricks on the next page.


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