A List Of 12 Life Hacks

If you’re like me, you’re always trying to make life easier. Or in other words, you’re always trying to find hacks that will give you ways to save time and rid you of many of your pet peeves. In all honesty, who isn’t trying to make life easier? So, no one is here to judge, I promise!

Sometimes I get lazy and just really want easier ways of doing things, who can blame me? I just can’t wait a whole day for my clothes to dry on the clothes line outside; I also can’t be bothered with trying to burn a fire with lighter fluid every time I go camping. But there are solutions to all these things.

If you’re wondering what these solutions are, then there’s those and much more in the list below! So tune in and check out 12 life hacks you may not have known existed before reading this post!

1. Make your shoes waterproof 

Grab some beeswax and spread it all over the shoes. Blowdry over the beeswax until it’s melted to the point you can’t see it anymore. Done!

2. Dry the clothes faster 

The last time I went on vacation, there was no dryer to wash my clothes—I was away for 1.5 months so of course, I needed to do the laundry. Here’s something I could have done: Take the wet clothes and wrap them in a towel. Twist the towel, to the best you can, so it takes all the excess water out of the clothes. Hang the clothes on a hanger, and they’ll dry in no time!

3. Eliminate bad shoe odor 

Take some dry tea bags and stuff them in your shoes to get rid of that smell. If your shoes happen to be smelly and wet, then fill them with baking soda and rice and leave the mixture in there for a few days.

4. Widen your shoes 

Tight shoes can be quite uncomfortable, so ditch being irritated and opt for comfort. Wet some newspapers and stuff the shoes with wet paper. Wait until the shoe dries to take the paper out. Works wonders!

5. Start a fire using chips 

Now we don’t have to worry about lighter fluid because everyone takes chips to go camping, right? Throw them in and light ’em up!

6. Retrieve all those lost items from behind the sofa 

I lose everything in the house—I especially hate misplacing my earring backings. To retrieve those and other items take a pantyhose and put it over the mouth of the vacuum. Start the vacuum and watch everything start sticking to the stocking.

7. Remove towel stains 

If any of your glassware has those pesky stains, simply fill it up with Coke and leave it over night. Wash the glass in the morning with hot water and some soap. 

8. Use this to unclog drains 

Start by running hot water down the drain. Take a cup of baking soda and put it down the drain next. Follow this step with a cup of vinegar. Lastly, flush the drain with hot water!

9. Keep sweater buttons from falling off 

Dab clear nail polish over the thread of the buttons to prevent them from falling off.

10. Get the ice to last longer in your cooler 

Next time you’re going on a picnic and bringing that cooler along, sprinkle a bit of salt into it so make sure the ice last longer.

11. Try this wooden spoon trick 

When boiling something, place a wooden spoon over the pot. Once the food starts to over boil, the bubbles will touch the wooden spoon and pop instead of overflowing.

12. Open the SIM card tray without the right tool 

Use a paperclip instead!

Did you find these trick handy? If so, then like and share this post with family and friends!

Article source: Aunty Acid

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