Girl Wakes Up Claiming She Saw Jesus After Doctors Gave Up Hope

Life, as beautiful as it is, isn’t always easy. Many of us are sincerely blessed to have amazing people in our lives and have the ability to experience things that enrich and bring us happiness. But no one, regardless of the good, has a life that is carefree. Unfortunately, that is just how the world works.

And mother Jamie Backenhaster and her five-year-old daughter, Brittany are no stranger to the struggles life sometimes gives us. You see, Jamie and Brittany both suffer from seizures. And while they both take medication to decrease the effects, Brittany suffers them at a much larger scale than her mother. For that reason, she has to wear headgear in order to protect herself when a seizure is brought about. This, of course, has not been easy on the family, emotionally as well as financially.

But one afternoon, Jamie found her beloved daughter on the floor as she was suffering from a grand mal seizure. After spending three weeks in the hospital and having a brain scan, it was said that Brittany did not have much time left on this Earth. Her mother was advised to take her daughter home so that she could be comfortable in her last moments. Jamie, utterly distraught, did just that, while praying tirelessly at her bedside for a miracle.

Then one morning, Brittany woke up having responded extremely well to the medication. In fact, it was the best that she had felt in an entire year. As she opened her eyes, she began uttering the words, “Jesus! Jesus!” Brittany described her encounter to her mother, who then immediately took her back to the hospital. What happened next will completely astound you.

Hear the complete story in the video below, and if you’ve been absolutely moved by this occurrence, share it with your family and friends.

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