Mosquitoes Disappeared From His Garden After He Made THIS All-Natural Candle…

Ugh! Bugs! If there’s one thing that I absolutely dread about the summer, it’s the onslaught of insects that just won’t leave me alone. I keep my home clean and try to avoid having anything that might attract them but apparently that’s not good enough. And why does it always seem like they can always figure out how to get into my home but never out of it? Seriously!

Look… I understand that insects play an essential role in our ecosystem and some of them are even beneficial to our gardens, but why can’t they just do their thing far, far away from me? Bugs bite, bugs sting, bugs carry diseases, and bugs have a way of ruining my picnics and barbecues. Bugs are so not cool. So how does one deal with these annoying creepy crawlies?

If I know that I’ll be outdoors for an extended time, I’ll consider dousing myself in some bug spray. But unfortunately, a lot of them contain some harsh chemicals. So that’s why I love this very cool and easy DIY project: an all-natural mason jar bug repellant! Their passive nature makes them perfect for picnics and garden parties.

Here’s what you’ll need…

  • Mason Jars
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Water
  • Fresh Rosemary
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Tea Candles

These bug repellent jars look beautiful and while you’ll probably agree that it smells absolutely wonderful, bugs can’t stand the scent! Watch the video below for the step-by-step instructions and let us know if you give it a try.


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