48-Year-Old Mom Gets A Makeover On The Today Show

One of the segments that a lot of people enjoy watching on the Today show is the Plaza Ambush Makeover. Their concept is pretty simple: two women are chosen from the plaza to get a makeover. The famous hosts of the show are joined by celebrity stylists Louis Licari and Jill Martin.

As we’ve already mentioned, the show chooses two lucky women, but in this post, we’ll be talking about the second woman in particular. The woman in the second part of the video is Michelle Moyer, and at 48-years-old she came to the conclusion that she wanted a makeover.

While she stood in the plaza, she held a sign that read, “I lost 40 lbs. & still going!” Michelle, who went to New York from Chesapeake, Virginia, wanted the makeover specifically for her high school’s 30th class reunion the following month.

She was ecstatic—as you can witness in the video by her screaming and jumping—when she was chosen. Michelle is asked in her interview if they can cut her hair, and she replies, “Absolutely! It’s gotta go.”

Michelle reveals her excitement and says that she’s been wanting to get to the Today show for years, and she finally had her chance when she won tickets. She proclaims that it was meant to be, and we agree wholeheartedly!

Michelle is with her son Daniel, and as we get back to the regular setting of the Today show, he stands next to the hosts with a blindfold on. Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Michelle walks out, and she looks so different and incredibly amazing!

Her hair is the defining feature because her long brown tresses are replaced with a shorter and golden style that makes her look like a completely different person. Michelle’s now wearing skinny jeans and a nice shirt compared to her old baggy pants and a neon green t-shirt.

When Daniel takes off his blindfold, his eyes widen. He follows his reaction with a “What?” He sports a huge grin as he takes in his mother’s look, and he even gets teary-eyed!

When Michelle looks at herself in the mirror, she cries too, as a disbelieving look takes over her face. She thanks the stylists for her new look, and Daniel tells his mom she looks beautiful.

If you’d like to see Michelle‘s before-and-after look, watch the video here! Don’t let flies get in when your jaw drops!

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