19 Mind Bending Illusions That Will Break Your Brain

In case you’re wondering how optical illusions work… There is basically a glitch in the system in the way the brain processes what the eye perceives. The eye sees what it sees, but because of certain traits of the image, such as perspective, the brain “sees” it differently. We can concentrate and identify the illusion, yet our brain still sends back the same information. Sometimes, a shift in our vision can change the illusion altogether.

8. This One Took Me A While

If you move your eyes across this image, the heart appears to darken and get larger. It took me several tries to make it work, but once I got it, it was pretty cool. 

9. Fast Moving Circles

As if it’s not weird enough that the completely static circle in this image appear to move, and in different directions no less, the more you move your eyes when staring at the image, the faster the circles move.

10. Look Closely At The Mirror Images Of These Animal Faces

It looks normal. It looks normal. Wait, that third one is definitely not normal.

11. Beautifully Drawn Perspective

It’s a matter of perspective, but this is gorgeous.

More brain benders on the next page!


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