People Debate Their Discomfort In These 'Am I The Jerk?' Dilemmas

Welcome to the world of ethical dilemmas and personal conundrums! From refusing to pay for an Airbnb booked without consent, to dealing with family drama and navigating relationship intricacies, these stories take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. As you delve into these narratives, you'll find yourself questioning, empathizing, and even laughing out loud. So buckle up and prepare to ask yourself! AITJ = Am I the jerk? NTJ = Not the jerk WIBTJ = Would I be the jerk? YTJ = You're the jerk

26 . AITJ For Refusing To Give A Quarter To A Kid At Costco?


"I went to a Costco, and put a dollar in the water machine. I got my quarters, and a little boy came running up to me and asked, "Can I have one?" I figured he probably wandered off, and asked him where his mom was, and he pointed to one of the food court tables and said, "I forgot the pennies."

The mom was sitting here just watching, and she had this expectant look on her face, as if it was already a foregone conclusion that I would buy him a water. So, I'm pretty sure she put him up to it.

I'd seen that look many times over the years, and as a former doormat it really rubs me the wrong way when people just assume I'll do something.

So, I said, "No, sorry, go ask your mom."

The kid says, "*No!*" and tries the coin return. It was less 'I refuse' and more 'No, that *can't* be', and I was starting to feel bad when the mom came to retrieve her kid. She didn't say anything to me, just dragged her protesting kid away after giving me a poisonous look.

I could have given the kid a quarter. It would have been a nice thing to do. I might have been TA because normally I don't mind spotting someone, and I've offered a few times. But that *look.* AITJ?"

Another User Comments:

"NTJ. It's important for kids to learn that just because they ask, doesn't mean they'll get a "yes".

And that mom likewise needs to learn that just because she thinks her kid's antics are cute, that doesn't mean they actually are, lol. You were polite and kind about it. Hopefully, the kid will think about this experience the next time he tries it." IamIrene

Another User Comments:

"NTJ. Mom is teaching her kid to panhandle. If she was short of funds, she could have asked OP herself. If she was having a medical issue of sorts, she should be engaging with an employee who could get her help. Not another customer in the store.

The parking lot is a different story if she needed help." Lolarita02

Another User Comments:

"NTJ. She's shaping him to do her begging for her. Yeah, it's just a quarter...........this time. Nope, no thanks, nada. People will stoop to anything it seems. SMH. Just reminds me of the panhandlers who send their kids up to you with chicklets begging for funds." Nurse5736