People Let Us In On Their Most Frustrating Karen Encounters

You know that woman in front of you at the checkout line who demands to speak to a manager all because the bananas weren't half off? Or a man who returns a perfectly good meal at a restaurant because he "never asked" for tomatoes in his sandwich? Well, these are the Karens (and Kevins!) of the world. The most entitled people you'll ever come across — and wish you never had. Curious about how these people behave in the wild? Well, you're in for a treat. Here are 25 real-life stories all about how these people dealt with a Karen.

25 . Think We Stole Your Phone Charger? There Never Was One To Begin With


"I work as a manager in a phone store. One of my reps sold a lady a Samsung A03s and I’ve consistently had my reps notify the customer that Samsungs do not come with charging blocks anymore and instead just a USB-C to USB-C lightening cable.

Yes we hate it too by the way, companies love to find ways to make more money while the people selling the product suffer the consequences of buying products that don’t come with everything they should come with.

Anyways! Customer was told at least three times that the phone does not come with a charging block and a different kind of cord.

Customer of course brushes it off and says “I’ll just go to Walmart to buy one” after we offer her to purchase one that we carry in the store. She leaves for about an hour and suddenly the door swings open and she comes stomping in like someone stole her candy or something.
I’m with a customer at this time so my rep says, “Hi, how can I help you.” To which she rudely says, “Oh I don’t need anything from YOU, I’ll wait for a manager.” To be honest I knew it would be something dumb based on her response.

I have my rep help the other customer while I tell the lady I am the manager and kindly ask her what I can assist her with. She immediately explodes saying, “You guys stole my block” and “I know it comes with a block I saw one” and so on and so forth.

I assured her that the phone does not include a charging block and she was told this a few times before purchasing the device. She continues to insist that it does come with one and we stole it from her. I show her the list of contents that’s listed on the front of the phone box and still she does not believe it.
I even opened up a sealed box of the same device and showed her that it did not come with one and still, she did not believe it. I asked her if she would like me to pull up the footage of the purchase to prove it did not come with one and surprise!
She did not want to. At this point, I’m just wasting breath so I say, “Ma’am I can call my Area Sales Manager and you can confirm with him as well if that will make you feel better.” She agrees and so I call him and of course he says the same exact thing to her and she spends about ten minutes yelling at him saying he’s wrong.

Nope, this lady still does not believe it, she wanted a free block and I was not going to lose money out of my own pocket over something she was already notified of before the purchase. She sits there throwing a tantrum in front of the other customers like she was on the verge of tears or something.

Cussing me out, berating me, screaming, you name it. I had nothing else to say to her, no solution was going to make her cold wrinkled heart happy so I accidentally let out a little giggle. Yes, not my proudest moment and I will admit it was completely unprofessional on my end but if you saw this lady during her tantrum you would’ve probably laughed too.
I gave her my name and said she was free to talk to corporate for any other solutions or concerns before she could even say “I’m going to call corporate about this and get you fired.”

Most entitled chick I’ve ever met, forget you, Karen."

Another User Comments:

"I think we need to stop pretending it's not ok to be unprofessional with these idiots. The whole attitude of the customer is always right and always being professional is what created these monsters. At some point it's completely ok to say "Get out of my store before I call the cops" and honestly as a customer, I'd have much more respect for a business if I saw that happen vs watching someone spend a long time being professional while I waited or even if I wasn't waiting I don't want to hear that or stuff lol.

Maybe customers need to start checking these people so employees don't feel like they have to put up with it or risk getting fired." yourmo4321