People Obsess Over These 'Am I The Jerk?' Stories

Delve into a world of ethical dilemmas, personal confrontations, and challenging decisions in this compelling article. From navigating tricky family dynamics to standing up against wrongdoing, these stories bring you face to face with the question: Am I The Jerk? AITJ = Am I the jerk? NTJ = Not the jerk WIBTJ = Would I be the jerk? YTJ = You're the jerk

19 . AITJ For Kicking Out My Ex-Best Friend Who Stole From Me?


"(I'm 19F) I've known my ex-best friend (19F, we'll call her Chloe) since early 2019 and we used to be close.

Even though our friendship was okay then, I noticed Chloe had an issue with stealing small things. Back around the beginning of 2023 Chloe moved in with us because she had been having issues with an ex of hers living close to her, and she couldn't continue living with her current friend because they were pregnant and needed the room for the baby.

I didn't want her living so close to someone like that so I offered to let her move in, so she did. She moved into our basement which happened to be larger than everyone else’s room in the house. I noticed she would always talk negatively about the girl who let her live with her before.

We were about to take a trip to Florida when she moved in, so we invited her to come along. We paid for her. All she did the entire trip was complain and it honestly ruined the trip for me. Things just got worse.

Chloe claimed she’d pay rent but never did even when we were struggling with finances, started stealing from me and my other best friend (who we’ll call Maddy 18F) that she was already jealous of because my family liked her more and we’d known her for much longer, but Maddy was nothing but nice to her and even gave her a ton of cute clothes because her ex had thrown hers out and she never wore them and would complain about not having anything.

I would have to go to her room and collect our clothes, makeup, and more. I woke up once to her sneaking around in my room (my door was locked by the way) and she called me defensive for asking what she was doing. She started becoming rude with me every time I tried to talk to her, always keeping this annoyed tone and would always start arguing with me, calling me obsessive and manipulative for trying to hang out with her and making a joke once about how she’d rather I not exist near the end of our friendship and more.

She asked if her current partner could visit for 3 days and then kept having him stay over for a whole month. After around 6 months of tolerating her behavior we told her she had to leave before Christmas, still in the nicest way possible even though we were all fed up with it.

She did leave, although not without taking an expensive perfume that was supposed to be my Christmas gift on the way.

That’s not even half of the things she did. Recently she unfollowed me on everything to “make it clear we’re not friends” randomly which didn’t really bother me, but earlier today I found out she’s going to the same party that I am tomorrow and she found out and basically called me immature and acted like I was in the wrong, saying that if I 'start anything she won’t play'.

And when I mention how she was to our other friends they act weird, like they don’t agree with me. AITJ for kicking her out even though she was acting this way?"

Another User Comments:

"NTJ "I woke up once to her sneaking around in my room (my door was locked by the way) " I'd have given notice/kicked her out at that point.

"Calling me obsessive and manipulative for trying to hang out with her" Projection. "And making a joke once about how she’d rather I not exist near the end of our friendship and more.  Psychopathic. You helped her in good faith. Your other friends may be acting "weird" because she's still fooling them the way she fooled you.
Be careful if you do go to the party." Apart-Ad-6518

Another User Comments:

"NTJ. But, OP, you have to be smarter than this. If you watch a dog bite one person after another, and then you walk up and offer it your arm, you can't be surprised and upset when it bites you.

In the future, if you see someone with these kinds of behaviors and morals, don't make them your friend, keep them far away from you." crystallz2000

Another User Comments:

"Sigh... there really needs to be a separate sub called "I took pity on some rando and let them move into my house, and unbelievably it didn't work out just amazing." If it gets any worse it's going to crowd out all of the important "My husband does no chores," "I'm 39 and can't stand to live with my toxic mother," and "baby names" posts.

At least the child free weddings posts seem to have slacked off. NTJ" CalendarDad