People Ask Us To Understand The Reasons Behind Their "Am I The Jerk?" Stories

Sometimes the world can be cruel and unjust. No matter how hard we strive to be nice, people will still detest us. If others around us consistently behave rudely and lack manners, it could become annoying even if we make every effort to be kind to them. We could readily display our "jerk" sides in some circumstances in order to express our feelings. Here are a few stories from people who were unsure of what to do in similar situations in the past. After reading their explanations below, let us know which of them you think is the real jerk. AITJ = Am I the jerk? NTJ = Not the jerk WIBTJ = Would I be the jerk? YTJ = You're the jerk

25 . AITJ For Walking Out Of The Restaurant Over Fruit Juice?

"My family and I (22M at the time) went on a day trip to the beach, my mother, my father, my aunt, my grandma, and my grandpa.

I knew that at the end of the trip, we'd go for a drink/ice cream at a restaurant, and I knew one that made very delicious homemade milkshakes.

I told them in advance about it and was quite eager.

Fast forward to the end of the trip, I show them said restaurant, they look at the menu before entering, and then my mother goes 'Nope. I want squeezed lemon juice and this restaurant doesn't offer it'.

In the end, after my mother rejected multiple restaurants because they didn't have squeezed lemon juice, we found another restaurant that offered what she wanted, we sat down there, and upon looking at the menu, my mother goes like 'Hm. I'll take an orange juice'.

At that point, I replied 'You know, we came specifically to that restaurant so that you could have your squeezed lemon juice, even though this restaurant doesn't offer what some others wanted. The restaurant I suggested initially had orange juice and also had what others wanted.'

She then cut me off telling me 'Stop being an entitled brat. You're not the center of the world'.

At that point, I got up, and said 'OK, I'm going to get my milkshake then, see you soon'.

I left the restaurant before ordering anything, went back to the one I initially suggested, drank a few very good milkshakes there, and came back 30 minutes later to where my family was.

At this point, both my mother and aunt called me an entitled brat and didn't talk with me at all on the way back home.

So, AITJ for reacting that way?"

Another User Comments:

"NTJ. I’m assuming it comes up in family lore to convey how bratty you were?

Time to defend yourself and point the finger at your mother, time to change the narrative. Every time it comes up from now on say something like 'And I’d do it all again that milkshake was worth it' or 'Mom just WHAT was going on in your head that day?' or 'And Mom said I was the entitled brat hahaha' or 'Mom said I thought I was the center of the world oh the irony!' or 'Mom had us walking all over the place for lemonade only to (big laugh) order Orange Juice can you believe it!' and just keep pushing back and smiling and laughing.
They may eventually drop it or drop it in front of you or you’ll get some satisfaction out of annoying your mother. Have fun!" Firm-Molasses-4913

Another User Comments:

"NTJ, you call her out on it, rightfully so, and what do you get? Labeled as an entitled brat.

Talk about gaslighting 101. But here's the thing: You're not responsible for catering to every whim and fancy of your family, especially when they're being unreasonable. So what did you do? You didn't stoop to their level. You didn't engage in a shouting match or throw a tantrum.
Instead, you took the high road. You walked away, got your milkshakes, and enjoyed them in peace. Sure, they called you names, and gave you the silent treatment on the way back home, but guess what? You didn't care. Because at the end of the day, you stood up for yourself, you stayed true to what you wanted, and you didn't let their drama ruin your day.
So no, you're not the jerk here. You're just someone who knows when to say enough is enough and walk away from the toxic nonsense. Keep being unapologetically you, my friend. That's all that matters." MyCouchPulzOut_IDont