Mom Poses With Grumpy Kids Every Year For Back To School Photos, Becomes Internet Sensation

“School’s out for summer! School’s out forever!” Well, no, not quite forever… as much as kids around the world wish Alice Cooper’s lyrics to be true, school is most certainly not out forever as it returns every fall. So, kids, when you’re on summer break, savour it and make every day count because once you start seeing back-to-school sale commercials, you know that the end is fast approaching. And we all know how miserable of a time that is.

But while going back to school may mean misery to children, it’s actually quite the opposite for the parents. Some parents may try to pretend that they’re so very sad that their kids will no longer be around all the time to demand anything and everything, but the truth is that most parents can breathe a sigh of relief when the kids are sent off to school to become “someone else’s problem.” For the parents, back to school means they can to have some peace and quiet back in their life. Hooray!

One Alabama mom, in particular, is ecstatic when her kids are going back to school and she isn’t afraid to show it. Her name is Keshia Leeann Gardner, and she’ll even rub it right her kids’ sad, grumpy faces. You see, every year, Keshia will line up her kids and pose with them for a back to school photo. As you’re about to see, the expression on everyone’s face tell the entire story.

Here are the photos from this year…



Here’s the photo from last year, which she so enthusiastically captioned…

Here’s the photo from 2014 (even the dog seems unimpressed)…

The photos have gone completely viral not surprisingly, the internet has decided to have some fun with Photoshop. Here’s Keshia Photoshopped into Sarlacc pit from Star Wars. Not surprisingly, Keshia has a great sense of humour and she reposted the photo on her own Facebook page.

How awesome is this? Maybe not so much for the kids, but Keshia is one hilarious mom! Let us know what you think and don’t forget to share these photos with your family and friends!

Source: Facebook

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